Main Window


When you start Synaptic Package Manager, the following window is displayed.

Figure 1. Synaptic Package Manager Start Up Window

					Shows Synaptic Package Manager main window. Contains titlebar, 
					menubar, toolbar, display area, and
					scrollbars. Menubar contains File, View, 
					Settings, and Help menus.

Table 1. Synaptic Package Manager Window Components

Component Description
Menubar Contains menus that you can use to perform actions in Synaptic Package Manager.
Toolbar Provides main actions.
Category selector Provides categories to narrow down the list of shown listed packages.
Package list Lists known packages. The list can be narrowed down by using filters and categories.
Description field Shows the description of the selected package.
Statusbar Displays global informations about the status of Synaptic Package Manager.


Figure 2. Synaptic Package Manager toolbar

						Shows the toolbar of the Synaptic Package Manager main window

The toolbar provides the following actions:


Reload the list of known packages.

Mark all Upgrades

Mark all possible and available upgrades.


Apply all marked changes.


Open the properties dialog of the selected package.


Open the package search dialog.

Category Selector

The selector on the left side allows you to narrow down the packages, that are shown in the package list by categories.

Figure 3. Category Selector

						Shows the category selector in the Synaptic Package Manager main window.

The following categories are available:


Show packages belonging to the selected section, only.


Show packages of the selected status, only.


Show packages with the selected initial letter, only.


Show packages that fit to the selected custom criteria, only.

Search history

Show the results of the selected search, only.

Package List

The package list shows the packages of the selected category.

Figure 4. Package List

						Shows the package list in the Synaptic Package Manager main window.


The used status icons are explained in the icon legend. To open the legend choose Help->Icon Legend from the menu.


The column order and the used colors can be changed in the preferences.

Package Properties

To open the properties dialog of a selected package:

  • Choose Package->Properties from the menu

  • Click on Properties in the toolbar

  • Press the key combination Ctrl-O

Figure 5. Package Properties Dialog

						Shows the package details in the Synaptic Package Manager main window.

The notebook provides the following tabs:

Table 2. Tabs in the properties dialog

Tab Description
Common Shows basic information of the package: name, short description, maintainer, status, priority, tags (if supported) and version.
Description Shows a long description of the package.
Dependencies Lists required, depending, provided, suggested and recommended packages.