%global commit 9f0324125f53 Summary: H.265/HEVC encoder library Name: x265 Version: 1.5 Release: 2%{?_dist_release} Group: System Environment/Libraries URL: http://x265.org/ Source0: https://bitbucket.org/multicoreware/x265/get/%{version}.tar.bz2 # fix pkgconfig file installation path #Patch0: x265-pc-path.patch # link test binaries with shared library Patch1: x265-1.5-test-shared.patch # build with -fPIC on arm and i686, too Patch2: x265-pic.patch # source/Lib/TLibCommon - BSD # source/Lib/TLibEncoder - BSD # everything else - GPLv2+ License: GPLv2+ and BSD BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: yasm %description The primary objective of x265 is to become the best H.265/HEVC encoder available anywhere, offering the highest compression efficiency and the highest performance on a wide variety of hardware platforms. This package contains the command line encoder and the shared library. %package devel Summary: H.265/HEVC encoder library development files Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description devel The primary objective of x265 is to become the best H.265/HEVC encoder available anywhere, offering the highest compression efficiency and the highest performance on a wide variety of hardware platforms. This package contains the shared library development files. %prep %setup -q -n multicoreware-%{name}-%{commit} #%patch0 -p1 -b .p # tests are crashing on x86 if linked against shared libx265 %ifnarch i686 %patch1 -p1 -b .ts %endif %patch2 -p1 -b .pic # f=doc/uncrustify/drag-uncrustify.bat # tr -d '\r' < ${f} > ${f}.unix && \ # touch -r ${f} ${f}.unix && \ # %__mv ${f}.unix ${f} || exit 1 %build %cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" \ -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH:BOOL=YES \ -DENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=ON \ source %__make %{?_smp_mflags} %install %__make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install %__rm %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libx265.a || exit 1 # %__install -Dpm644 COPYING %{buildroot}%{_pkgdocdir}/COPYING %check #LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd) test/PoolTest LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd) test/TestBench exit 0 %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %{_bindir}/x265 # %dir %{_pkgdocdir} # %{_pkgdocdir}/COPYING %doc COPYING %{_libdir}/libx265.so.43 %files devel %doc doc/* %{_includedir}/x265.h %{_includedir}/x265_config.h %{_libdir}/libx265.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/x265.pc %changelog * Sat Feb 21 2015 Munehiro Yamamoto 1.5-2 - rebuild * Sat Feb 21 2015 Munehiro Yamamoto 1.5-1 - new upstream release (ABI 43) - drop x265-pc-path.patch - add x265-1.5-test-shared.patch * Sat Feb 7 2015 Ryoichi INAGAKI 1.4-2 - added Group tag to Source0 * Fri Jan 2 2015 Munehiro Yamamoto 1.4-1 - new upstream release (ABI 35) - initial build based on RPM Fusion rawhide * Sun Aug 17 2014 Dominik Mierzejewski 1.2-5 - don't include contributor agreement in doc - make sure /usr/share/doc/x265 is owned - add a comment noting which files are BSD-licenced * Fri Aug 08 2014 Dominik Mierzejewski 1.2-4 - don't create bogus soname (patch by Xavier) * Thu Jul 17 2014 Dominik Mierzejewski 1.2-3 - fix tr call to remove DOS EOL - build the library with -fPIC on arm and i686, too * Sun Jul 13 2014 Dominik Mierzejewski 1.2-2 - use version in source URL - update License tag - fix EOL in drag-uncrustify.bat - don't link test binaries with shared binary on x86 (segfault) * Thu Jul 10 2014 Dominik Mierzejewski 1.2-1 - initial build - fix pkgconfig file install location - link test binaries with shared library