Summary: Utilities for configuring the linux ethernet bridge. Summary(ja): イーサネットブリッジ設定ユーティリティ Name: bridge-utils Version: 1.5 Release: 1%{?_dist_release} License: GPLv2+ URL: Group: Applications/System Source0:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Patch0: bridge-utils-1.5-fix-incorrect-command-in-manual.patch Patch1: bridge-utils-1.5-fix-error-message-for-incorrect-command.patch Patch2: bridge-utils-1.5-check-error-returns-from-write-to-sysfs.patch Patch10: bridge-utils-1.0.4-inc.patch BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: kernel-headers >= 2.6.16 %description This package contains utilities for configuring the linux ethernet bridge. The linux ethernet bridge can be used for connecting multiple ethernet devices together. The connecting is fully transparent: hosts connected to one ethernet device see hosts connected to the other ethernet devices directly. Install bridge-utils if you want to use the linux ethernet bridge. #%package -n bridge-utils-devel #Summary: Header and object files for using bridge-utils #Group: Development/Libraries #%description -n bridge-utils-devel #The bridge-utils-devel package contains the header and object files #necessary for developing programs which use 'libbridge.a', the #interface to the linux kernel ethernet bridge. If you are developing #programs which need to configure the linux ethernet bridge, your #system needs to have these standard header and object files available #in order to create the executables. # #Install bridge-utils-devel if you are going to develop programs which #will use the linux ethernet bridge interface library. %prep %setup -q %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 %patch2 -p1 %patch10 -p1 %build autoconf %configure make %install make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install %clean [ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr (-,root,root) %doc AUTHORS COPYING doc/FAQ doc/HOWTO doc/RPM-GPG-KEY %{_sbindir}/brctl %{_mandir}/man8/* #%files -n bridge-utils-devel #%defattr (-,root,root) #%{_includedir}/libbridge.h #%{_libdir}/libbridge.a %changelog * Thu Mar 22 2012 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji - 1.5-1 - new upstream release - import bugfix patches from Fedora - drop -devel subpackage (use sane kernel headers) * Mon Jun 22 2009 Shu KONNO 1.0.6-2 - spec in utf-8 * Fri Sep 19 2008 Shu KONNO 1.0.6-1vl5 - applied new versioning policy, spec in utf-8 * Mon Mar 28 2005 Ryoichi INAGAKI 1.0.6-0vl1 - new upsteam release based Fedora * Thu Aug 26 2004 David Woodhouse 1.0.4-4 - BuildRequires: sysfsutils-devel to make the horrid autoconf script magically change the entire package's behaviour just because it happens to find slightly different header files lying around. - Include our own kernel-derived headers * Thu Jul 1 2004 David Woodhouse - Update to 1.0.4 - s/Copyright/License/ * Sat Oct 27 2001 Daisuke SUZUKI 0.9.3-1vl1 - initial release