# Gambas Form File 2.0 { Form Form MoveScaled(0,0,55,32) Text = ("Check updates") Icon = Picture["update-watch.png"] Stacking = Window.Above Arrangement = Arrange.Vertical Spacing = 8 Padding = 8 { Panel2 Panel MoveScaled(1,1,65,7) { pbxIcon PictureBox MoveScaled(0,0,6,6) Picture = Picture["update-watch.png"] } { TextLabel1 TextLabel MoveScaled(7,0,53,6) Text = ("Check latest updates") Alignment = Align.Normal Transparent = True } } { hbxTop HBox MoveScaled(1,8,53,18) Expand = True AutoResize = True { pbxDummy PictureBox MoveScaled(1,1,1,6) } { tlbMessage TextLabel MoveScaled(5,1,42,14) Expand = True Text = ("You can get security fix and/or improvemen by applying updates to your system.
\nYou shuld donload latest update information and check updates.
\nBy clicking 'Check updates' button, download update information from internet and confirm updates.
\nYou can see online help by clicking 'Help' button
\n") } } { hbxBottom HBox MoveScaled(1,27,53,4) Spacing = 8 { btnHelp Button MoveScaled(2,0,12,4) Text = ("&Help") Picture = Picture["icon:/24/help"] } { btnCheck Button MoveScaled(16,0,18,4) Text = ("Check &updates") Picture = Picture["icon:/24/refresh"] Default = True } { Panel1 Panel MoveScaled(36,0,1,4) Expand = True } { btnClose Button MoveScaled(39,0,13,4) Text = ("&Close") Picture = Picture["icon:/24/close"] } } }