%define perl_vendorarch %(eval "`perl -V:installvendorarch`"; echo $installvendorarch) %define perl_archlib %(eval "`perl -V:archlib`"; echo $archlib) %{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")} %{!?python_sitearch: %define python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(1)")} %define ruby_arch %(ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config::CONFIG["archdir"]') Name: openbabel Version: 2.2.3 Release: 3%{?_dist_release} Summary: Chemistry software file format converter Summary(ja): 化学ソフトデータファイル変換プログラム License: GPL Group: Applications/Edutainment URL: http://openbabel.sourceforge.net/ Source: http://dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/openbabel/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root BuildRequires: inchi-devel BuildRequires: libtool BuildRequires: libxml2-devel BuildRequires: perl BuildRequires: python BuildRequires: python-devel BuildRequires: ruby BuildRequires: ruby-devel BuildRequires: swig #TODO: enable when GUI is functional #BuildRequires: wxGTK-devel BuildRequires: zlib-devel Distribution: Vine Linux Vendor: Project Vine Packager: inagaki %description Open Babel is a free, open-source version of the Babel chemistry file translation program. Open Babel is a project designed to pick up where Babel left off, as a cross-platform program and library designed to interconvert between many file formats used in molecular modeling, computational chemistry, and many related areas. Open Babel includes two components, a command-line utility and a C++ library. The command-line utility is intended to be used as a replacement for the original babel program, to translate between various chemical file formats. The C++ library includes all of the file-translation code as well as a wide variety of utilities to foster development of other open source scientific software. %package devel Summary: Development tools for programs which will use the Open Babel library Summary(ja): %{name}の開発用ヘッダファイル Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: pkgconfig %description devel The %{name}-devel package includes the header files and libraries necessary for developing programs using the Open Babel library. If you are going to develop programs which will use this library you should install %{name}-devel. You'll also need to have the %{name} package installed. %description devel -l ja %{name}の開発用ヘッダファイル %package -n perl-%{name} Summary: Perl wrapper for the Open Babel library Summary(ja): Open Babel ライブラリの Perl ラッパー Group: Development/Libraries Requires: perl > %(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version) Obsoletes: %{name}-perl < 2.2.0 Provides: %{name}-perl = %{version}-%{release} %description -n perl-%{name} Perl wrapper for the Open Babel library. %description -n perl-%{name} -l ja Open Babel ライブラリの Perl ラッパーです. %package -n python-%{name} Group: Development/Libraries Summary: Python wrapper for the Open Babel library Summary(ja): Open Babel ライブラリの Python ラッパー Obsoletes: %{name}-python < 2.2.0 Provides: %{name}-python = %{version}-%{release} %description -n python-%{name} Python wrapper for the Open Babel library. %description -n python-%{name} -l ja Open Babel ライブラリの Python ラッパー %package -n ruby-%{name} Summary: Ruby wrapper for the Open Babel library Summary(ja): Open Babel ライブラリの Ruby ラッパー Group: Development/Libraries Requires: ruby >= 1.8 Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description -n ruby-%{name} Open Babel ライブラリの Ruby ラッパー %prep %setup -q chmod 644 src/formats/{mmcif,fchk}format.cpp %build autoreconf --force --install %configure --enable-shared=yes --enable-static=no --disable-inchi make %{?_smp_mflags} pushd scripts/perl LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../src/.libs perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS="vendor" make %{?_smp_mflags} OPTIMIZE="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" popd pushd scripts/python python setup.py build popd pushd scripts/ruby ruby extconf.rb --with-openbabel-include=../../include --with-openbabel-lib=../../src/.libs make %{?_smp_mflags} popd %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}{,/%{name}}/*.la pushd scripts/perl make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT popd rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{perl_archlib}/perllocal.pod rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{perl_vendorarch}/*/Chemistry/OpenBabel/{.packlist,OpenBabel.bs} chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{perl_vendorarch}/*/Chemistry/OpenBabel/OpenBabel.so pushd scripts/python python setup.py install --skip-build --root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT python setup.py install -O1 --skip-build --root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT popd pushd scripts/ruby make install sitearchdir=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{ruby_arch} popd %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog README THANKS %doc doc/*.html %doc doc/README* doc/babel*.inc doc/dioxin.* %{_bindir}/* %{_mandir}/man1/* %{_datadir}/%{name} %{_libdir}/libopenbabel.so.* %{_libdir}/%{name} %files devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_includedir}/%{name}-2.0 %{_libdir}/libopenbabel.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/*.pc %files -n perl-%{name} %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{perl_vendorarch}/Chemistry/OpenBabel.pm %dir %{perl_vendorarch}/*/Chemistry/OpenBabel %{perl_vendorarch}/*/Chemistry/OpenBabel/OpenBabel.so %files -n python-%{name} %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{python_sitearch}/_openbabel.so %{python_sitearch}/openbabel.py* %{python_sitearch}/pybel.py* %files -n ruby-%{name} %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{ruby_arch}/openbabel.so %changelog * Tue Feb 02 2010 Shu KONNO 2.2.3-3 - rebuild with python-2.6 * Fri Nov 13 2009 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji - 2.2.3-2 - ruby binding install path changed to Config::CONFIG["archdir"] * Wed Aug 26 2009 Ryoichi INAGAKI 2.2.3-1 - applied new versioning policy, spec in UTF-8 - using system inchi package - added ruby-%{name} package * Mon May 14 2007 Susumu Tanimura 2.1.0-0vl1 - Updated to 2.1.0 * Tue May 1 2007 Susumu Tanimura 2.0.2-5vl1 - built for VineLinux * Tue Oct 03 2006 Dominik Mierzejewski 2.0.2-5 - rebuilt for unwind info generation, broken in gcc-4.1.1-21 * Wed Sep 20 2006 Dominik Mierzejewski 2.0.2-4 - .pyo files no longer ghosted - fix chicken-and-egg problem when building perl and python bindings * Tue Aug 29 2006 Dominik Mierzejewski 2.0.2-3 - simplified autotools invocation - mass rebuild * Mon Aug 07 2006 Dominik Mierzejewski 2.0.2-2 - simplified file lists and permissions - removed weird character from inchi summary and description - added missing pkgconfig Req: for -devel * Sat Aug 05 2006 Dominik Mierzejewski 2.0.2-1 - updated to 2.0.2 - dropped GCC4 fix (upstream'd) - split off inchi package - added python and perl bindings packages * Sat Jan 07 2006 Dominik Mierzejewski 2.0.0-1 - updated to 2.0.0 - fix compilation with GCC4 - FE compliance * Thu Feb 10 2005 Dominik Mierzejewski 1.100.2-1 - rebuilt for Fedora 3 * Tue Jan 18 2005 ALT QA Team Robot 1.100.2-alt1.1 - Rebuilt with libstdc++.so.6. * Wed Mar 03 2004 Michael Shigorin 1.100.2-alt1 - 1.100.2 * Wed Dec 17 2003 Michael Shigorin 1.100.1-alt2 - removed *.la - don't package static library by default * Mon Sep 22 2003 Michael Shigorin 1.100.1-alt1 - 1.100.1 - #2994 fixed; thanks to Alex Ott (ott@) for a pointer - spec cleanup (underlibification fixup) * Mon Jun 30 2003 Michael Shigorin 1.100.0-alt1 - built for ALT Linux - based on Mandrake Cooker spec by: * Lenny Cartier * Austin Acton - spec cleanup