# Gambas Form File 2.0 { Form Form MoveScaled(0,0,60,45) Text = ("List of updates") Icon = Picture["update-watch.png"] Arrangement = Arrange.Vertical Spacing = 8 Padding = 8 { HBox2 HBox MoveScaled(1,1,49,6) Spacing = 8 { PictureBox1 PictureBox MoveScaled(0,0,6,6) Picture = Picture["update-watch-red.png"] } { tlbTitle TextLabel MoveScaled(7,1,30,4) Expand = True AutoResize = True Text = ("Follwing packages should be updated") Alignment = Align.Normal } } { lvwPackage ListView MoveScaled(1,8,49,31) Expand = True Mode = Select.None Sorted = True } { hbxBottom HBox MoveScaled(1,40,49,4) { btnHelp Button MoveScaled(3,0,15,4) Text = ("&Help") Picture = Picture["icon:/24/help"] Default = True } { Panel1 Panel MoveScaled(24,0,4,4) Expand = True } { btnClose Button MoveScaled(33,0,15,4) Text = ("&Close") Picture = Picture["icon:/24/close"] } } }