# File: $RCSfile: synaptic.spec,v $ # Revision: $Revision: 1.10 $ # Last change: $Date: 2004/05/16 19:47:31 $ %define _datadir /opt/gnome/share Summary: Graphical package management program using apt Name: synaptic Version: 0.53 Release: 0.1.suse91 License: GPL Group: System/Packages Packager: Sebastian Heinlein Source: synaptic-0.53.tar.gz #Source: http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/synaptic/synaptic.pkg/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: synaptic.desktop URL: http://www.nongnu.org/synaptic/ Requires: apt >= 0.1.15, gtk2, libglade2 Requires: libstdc++ libzvt2 libart_lgpl Requires: scrollkeeper BuildRequires: apt-devel >= 0.5.5 rpm-devel >= 4.1 gtk2-devel libglade2-devel BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel libxml2-devel libglade2-devel libart_lgpl-devel BuildRequires: atk-devel pango-devel glib2-devel pkgconfig libzvt-devel BuildRequires: XFree86-devel scrollkeeper BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/making_of_%{name}-%{version} %description Synaptic is a graphical package management tool based on GTK+ and APT. Synaptic enables you to install, upgrade and remove software packages in a user friendly way. Besides these basic functions the following features are provided: * Search and filter the list of available packages * Perform smart system upgrades * Fix broken package dependencies * Edit the list of used repositories (sources.list) * Download the latest changelog of a package * Configure packages through the debconf system * Browse all available documentation related to a package (dwww is required) %prep %setup -n %{name}-0.53 %build install -m 644 %{SOURCE1} data/%{name}.desktop PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/gnome/lib/pkgconfig" \ CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/g++/i586-suse-linux" CFLAGS=-O2 ./configure \ --with-zvt \ --prefix=%{_prefix} \ --mandir=%{_mandir} \ --datadir=%{_datadir} \ --libdir=%{_libdir} \ --includedir=%{_includedir} \ --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \ --enable-docdir=%{_defaultdocdir} make %install # Replace gksu by kdesu sed -ie "s/^Exec=gksu -u root \/usr\/sbin\/synaptic/Exec=kdesu -u root -c synaptic/" data/%{name}.desktop make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install # locales must be located in /usr/share otherwise synaptic does not pick them up mv %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/locale %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/ %clean [ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && [ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post scrollkeeper-update -q %postun scrollkeeper-update -q %files %defattr(-, root, root) %doc AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING NEWS README TODO %{_sbindir}/%{name} %{_datadir}/%{name} %{_datadir}/omf/%{name} %{_datadir}/gnome/help/%{name} %{_mandir}/man8/%{name}.8* /usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/%{name}.mo /etc/X11/sysconfig/synaptic.desktop /opt/gnome/share/applications/synaptic.desktop /opt/gnome/share/pixmaps/synaptic.png %changelog * Thu Aug 26 2004 Sebastian Heinlein - Use sed to replace gksu by kdesu - Do not install any kde menu items, since the SuSE menu already integrates the GNOME stuff * Tue Nov 18 2003 Richard Bos - Use /opt/gnome as for datadir However move the locate directory to /usr/share/ * Sat Jun 21 2003 Richard Bos - Updated to release 0.38 - Added CFLAGS=-O2 to prevent debug code to be added to the end product (per default -g is added to gcc) * Wed Jun 18 2003 Richard Bos - Updated to release 0.37 * Tue Jun 15 2003 Richard Bos - Initial release, version 0.36.1