;;; html-helper-mode ;; Initialization (autoload 'html-helper-mode "html-helper-mode" "Yay HTML" t) (setq auto-mode-alist (append '( ("\\.html" . html-helper-mode) ("\\.shtml" . html-helper-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) ;; Set this to be whatever signature ;; you want on the bottom of your pages. ;(setq html-helper-address-string "who@hoge.ne.jp") ;; If not nil, then use the full HTML menu. ;(setq html-helper-use-expert-menu nil) ;; Default ;; If not nil, ;; then modify `local-write-file-hooks' to do timestamps. ;(setq html-helper-do-write-file-hooks t) ;; Default ;;If not nil, ;; then insert `html-helper-new-buffer-strings' for new buffers. ;(setq html-helper-build-new-buffer t) ;; Default ;; Version of HTML DTD you're using. ;(setq html-helper-htmldtd-version ; "\n") ;; Default ;; Extra items to put in the HTML expert menu. ;; The value of this symbol is appended to the beginning of the expert ;; menu that is handed off to easymenu for definition. ;; It should be a list of vectors or lists ;; which themselves are vectors (for submenus). ;(setq html-helper-user-menu nil) ;; Default ;; Basic indentation size used for list indentation ;(setq html-helper-basic-offset 2) ;; Default ;; Indentation of lines that follow a
  • item. ;; Default is 4, the length of things like \"
  • \" and \"
    \". ;(setq html-helper-item-continue-indent 4) ;; Default ;; If not nil, ;; the indentation code for html-helper is turned off. ;(setq html-helper-never-indent nil) ;; Default ;; Template for new buffers. ;; Inserted by `html-helper-insert-new-buffer-strings' ;; if `html-helper-build-new-buffer' is set to t ;(setq html-helper-new-buffer-template ; '(html-helper-htmldtd-version ; " \n" ; "" p "\n\n\n" ; "\n" ; "

    " p "

    \n\n" ; p ; "\n\n
    \n" ; "
    " html-helper-address-string "
    \n" ; html-helper-timestamp-start ; html-helper-timestamp-end ; "\n \n")) ;; Default ;; Start delimiter for timestamps. ;; Everything between `html-helper-timestamp-start' and ;; `html-helper-timestamp-end' will be deleted and ;; replaced with the output of the functions `html-helper-timestamp-hook' ;; if `html-helper-do-write-file-hooks' is t ;(setq html-helper-timestamp-start "\n") ;; Default ;; End delimiter for timestamps. ;; Everything between `html-helper-timestamp-start' and ;; `html-helper-timestamp-end' will be deleted and ;; replaced with the output of the function `html-helper-insert-timestamp' ;; if `html-helper-do-write-file-hooks' is t ;(setq html-helper-timestamp-end "") ;; Default ;; Change format and {start,end} delimiter for timestamps. ;; if you will be use this, ;; you should change `html-helper-new-buffer-template'. ;(setq html-helper-timestamp-start "") ;(defun TT:html-helper-insert-timestamp () ; (let ((tz (car (current-time-zone))) ; (tzh) (tzm)) ; (setq tzh (/ tz 3600) ; tz (- tz (* tzh 3600))) ; (setq tzm (/ tz 60) ; tz (- tz (* tzm 60))) ; (insert ; (concat ; (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" (current-time)) ; (format "%s%02d:%02d" (if (> tzh 0) "+" "-") tzh tzm))))) ;(setq html-helper-timestamp-hook 'TT:html-helper-insert-timestamp)