Name: libdap Version: 3.11.2 Release: 1%{?_dist_release} Summary: The C++ DAP2 library from OPeNDAP Summary(ja): OPeNDAP の C++ DAP2 ライブラリ License: LGPL Group: System Environment/Libraries Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz URL: BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root BuildRequires: curl-devel >= 7.10.6 libxml2-devel >= 2.5.7 BuildRequires: cppunit-devel BuildRequires: libuuid-devel BuildRequires: bison BuildRequires: flex Requires: curl libxml2 Distribution: Vine Linux Vendor: Project Vine %description The libdap++ library contains an implementation of DAP2. This package contains the library, dap-config, getdap and deflate. The script dap-config simplifies using the library in other projects. The getdap utility is a simple command-line tool to read from DAP2 servers. It is built using the library and demonstrates simple uses of it. The deflate utility is used by the library when it returns compressed responses. %description -l ja libdap++は、DAP2実行ライブラリとユーティリティプログラム(dep-config、 getdap、deflate)を含む %package devel Summary: Static libraries and header files from libdap Summary(ja): libdapの静的ライブラリとヘッダファイル Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: pkgconfig automake Requires: curl-devel >= 7.10.6 Requires: libxml2-devel >= 2.5.7 %description devel This package contains all the files needed to develop applications that will use libdap. %description devel -l ja libdapを利用するために必要な開発ファイル %prep %setup -q %build %configure %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %makeinstall rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/lib*.la %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc README NEWS COPYING COPYRIGHT_URI README.dodsrc %doc COPYRIGHT_W3C %{_bindir}/getdap %{_libdir}/* %{_libdir}/* %{_libdir}/* %{_mandir}/man1/getdap.1.gz %files devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_libdir}/libdap.a %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/libdapclient.a %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/libdapserver.a %{_bindir}/dap-config %{_bindir}/dap-config-pkgconfig %{_includedir}/libdap %{_datadir}/aclocal/* %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/*.pc %{_mandir}/man1/dap-config.1.gz %changelog * Tue Jun 19 2012 Yoji TOYODA 3.11.2-1 - update to 3.11.2 - add BuildRequires: bision, flex, cppunit-devel, libuuid-devel * Sun Jan 18 2009 Ryoichi INAGAKI 3.8.2-1 - new upstream release - applied new versioning policy - spec in UTF-8 * Wed Mar 7 2007 Susumu Tanimura - Initial package