Summary: A multi-protocol Libpurple connection manager Summary(ja): マルチプロトコル Libpurple 接続マネージャ Name: telepathy-haze Version: 0.8.0 Release: 3%{?_dist_release} Group: Applications/Communications License: GPLv2+ URL: Source0:{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root BuildRequires: libpurple-devel BuildRequires: telepathy-glib-devel BuildRequires: libxslt-devel Requires: telepathy-filesystem Vendor: Project Vine Distribution: Vine Linux %description telepathy-haze is a connection manager built around libpurple, the core of Pidgin (formerly Gaim), as a Summer of Code project under the Pidgin umbrella. Ultimately, any protocol supported by libpurple will be supported by telepathy-haze; for now, XMPP, MSN and AIM are known to work acceptably, and others will probably work too. %prep %setup -q sed -i -e 's/PURPLE_MEDIA_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_TCP/PURPLE_MEDIA_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_TCP_ACTIVE/' src/media-stream.c %build %configure make %{?_smp_mflags} %install rm -rf %{buildroot} make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc COPYING NEWS %{_libexecdir}/telepathy-haze %{_datadir}/dbus-1/services/*.haze.service %{_mandir}/man8/telepathy-haze.8* %changelog * Fri Jul 22 2016 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO 0.8.0-3 - rebuilt with libpurple-2.11.0. * Sat Jan 04 2014 Yoji TOYODA 0.8.0-2 - rebuild with VineSeed environment * Sat Oct 26 2013 Yoji TOYODA 0.8.0-1 - new upstream release * Sat Apr 14 2012 Yoji TOYODA 0.6.0-1 - new upstream release * Sun Oct 03 2010 Yoji TOYODA 0.4.0-1 - new upstream release * Sat Nov 7 2009 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.3.2-1 - new upstream release * Tue Sep 30 2008 Daisuke SUZUKI 0.2.0-1 - initial build for Vine Linux * Wed Aug 13 2008 Peter Gordon - 0.2.0-3 - Remove the mission-control subpackage in favor of using the profiles from Empathy upstream. * Tue Jul 29 2008 Peter Gordon - 0.2.0-2 - Fix the ICQ Mission Control profile to properly use the "icq" configuration UI, rather than the one for jabber. - Resolves: bug #456565 (Wrong entry in haze-icq.profile) * Sat Mar 01 2008 Peter Gordon - 0.2.0-1 - Update to new upstream release (0.2.0) - Add ICQ Mission-Control profile. * Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.1.4-3 - Autorebuild for GCC 4.3 * Sun Dec 16 2007 Peter Gordon - 0.1.4-2 - Add patch from upstream Darcs to fix bug 425870 (bad apostrophe escaping with Yahoo! messages). + fix-yahoo-apostrophe-escaping.patch * Thu Nov 22 2007 Peter Gordon - 0.1.4-1 - Update to new upstream build-fix release (0.1.4). - Add Yahoo! IM support to the mission-control profiles, with default login/server information taken from Pidgin/Finch. * Wed Nov 14 2007 Peter Gordon - 0.1.3-1 - Update to new upstream release (0.1.3), which fixes the accidental ~/.purple directory deletion with Pidgin 2.3.0+ (among other notable fixes and enhancements). - Drop compile fix with recent telepathy-glib releases (fixed upstream): - fix-deprecated-tp_debug-call.patch * Tue Nov 13 2007 Peter Gordon - 0.1.2-4 - Add patch to fix build error due to calling deprecated tp_debug_set_flags_from_env function. + fix-deprecated-tp_debug-call.patch * Sun Nov 11 2007 Peter Gordon - 0.1.2-3 - Fix Source0 URL. * Thu Nov 01 2007 Peter Gordon - 0.1.2-2 - Add haze-msn.profile (based on the profile provided by the PyMSN-based Butterfly connection manager) so that MC-using applications (such as Empathy) can use the libpurple-based MSN connection manager instead of Butterfly, at the user's option. * Sun Sep 16 2007 Peter Gordon - 0.1.2-1 - Update to new upstream release (0.1.2), which fixes sending messages with <, >, and & characters and properly cleans up zombie children. * Fri Aug 17 2007 Peter Gordon - 0.1.1-1 - Update to new upstream release (0.1.1), which fixes segfaults when closing text and list channels, and some potential g_free corruptions. - Sync %%description with upstream release announcements. * Mon Aug 13 2007 Peter Gordon - 0.1.0-1 - Initial packaging for Fedora.