%define version 0.92.0 %define vsource WindowMaker-%{version}-vine %define libdockapp libdockapp-0.4.0 %define asclock asclock-2.0.12 %define wmconfig wmconfig-vine-1.1 %define wmmail 0.63a %define x11confdir %{_sysconfdir}/X11 %define gnustepdir %{_prefix}/lib/GNUstep Summary: Window Maker - a window manager for X11 Summary(ja): X11 用ウィンドウ・マネージャ Name: WindowMaker Version: %{version} Release: 6%{?_dist_release} License: GPLv2/OPL Group: User Interface/Desktops URL: http://windowmaker.info/ Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: http://www.longstreet.ch/asclock/%{asclock}.tar.gz Source2: %{libdockapp}.tar.bz2 Source6: %{vsource}.5a1.tar.gz # http://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/chanb/www/wmmail Source10: WMMail.app-%{wmmail}.tar.gz Source11: WMMail.defaults.vine Source20: %{wmconfig}.tar.bz2 Source21: dockit Source22: WindowMaker.desktop Source23: RunWM #Patch1: WindowMaker-0.62.0-wmclock.patch Patch4: WindowMaker-cvs-nomisc.patch Patch7: WindowMaker-0.53.0-wheel.diff.gz Patch10: WindowMaker-0.65.0-GSDIR.patch Patch20: WMMail.app-%{wmmail}-fix.patch Patch21: WMMail-%{wmmail}.mbox.patch Patch22: WMMail-%{wmmail}.appsdir.patch ###################### ##### for 0.92.0 ##### ## for x86_64 architecture support Patch30: WindowMaker-0.92.0-configure.noasm.patch Patch31: libdockapp-0.4.0-config.sub.patch ## for gcc-4 Patch40: WindowMaker-0.92.0-x86_specific.patch Patch41: WMMail.app-0.63a.config.patch Patch42: asclock-2.0.12.patch # libPropList is not necessary for Window Maker >= 0.70, but # for items around WindowMaker. BuildRequires: libPropList BuildRequires: automake automake14 BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.59 BuildRequires: libtool BuildRequires: imake BuildRequires: xorg-x11-devel BuildRequires: xorg-x11-proto-devel Requires: WindowMaker-libs = %{version} #Requires: libPropList >= 0.10.0 Requires: WindowMaker-Icons, vine-backgrounds, cpp Requires: vine-logos, vutils, sed Requires: xterm Provides: libwraster.so.2 Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root %description WindowMaker is a window manager designed to emulate the look and feel of part of the NEXTSTEP(tm) GUI. It is supposed to be fast, relatively small, feature rich and easy to configure, with a simple and elegant appearance borrowed from NEXTSTEP(tm). %description -l ja NEXTSTEP(tm)のようなルック&フィールのウィンドウマネージャです。 動作が軽く、また強力なカスタマイズ・ツールを装備しています。 WindowMakerをインストール後、各クライアントで /usr/bin/wmaker.inst を 実行してください。既に ~/GNUStep が存在する場合には、それを置き換えるか聞い て来ます。最後に .xinitrc を作るか聞いてきます。既に startx できる環境が作ら れている場合には、[Cntl]+C でキャンセルした方が良いかもしれません。 %package libs Summary: Libraries bundled with WindowMaker Summary(ja): WindowMaker に必要なライブラリ集 Group: System Environment/Libraries %description libs These libraries come bundled with WindowMaker, but are also used in other packages like AfterStep-APPS and wmakerconf %description libs -l ja このライブラリ集はWindowMakerに含まれているものです。 wmakerconf や wdm 等にも必要です。 %package devel Summary: Development files using WindowMaker related libraries Group: Development/Libraries Requires: WindowMaker-libs = %{version} %description devel This package contains the WindowMaker related library and header files used for developers. %description devel -l ja このパッケージは,WindowMaker のライブラリを利用したアプリケーション開発 に必要なライブラリやヘッダファイルを含んでいます. %prep %setup -q -a 1 -a 2 -a 6 -a 10 -a 20 -n WindowMaker-%{version} %patch4 -p1 -b .noexamble %patch7 -p1 -b .wheel %patch10 -p1 -b .gsdir %patch20 -p0 cd WMMail.app-%{wmmail} patch -p0 -s < %PATCH21 patch -p1 -s < %PATCH22 cd .. # for x86_64 architecture support %ifarch x86_64 %patch30 -p1 -b .noasm %patch31 -p0 -b .libdockapp %endif ## for gcc-4 %patch40 -p1 -b .x86_specific %patch41 -p0 -b .config %patch42 -p0 -b .asclock %build aclocal autoheader autoconf libtoolize --force --automake automake -a --gnu --include-deps export LINGUAS; LINGUAS="de es fr it ja" export NLSDIR; NLSDIR=%{_localedir} export GNUSTEP_LOCAL_ROOT; GNUSTEP_LOCAL_ROOT='%{gnustepdir}' export CPP_PATH; CPP_PATH=/lib/cpp export CFLAGS; CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" %configure --sysconfdir=%{x11confdir} --x-libraries=%{_libdir} make %{?_smp_mflags} ## make libdockapp cd %{libdockapp} aclocal autoconf libtoolize --force --automake automake -a --gnu --include-deps %configure make cd .. ## make asclock cd %{asclock} mkdir ./default_theme cd ./default_theme ln -sf ../themes/shaped/beats.xpm beats.xpm ln -sf ../themes/shaped/clock.xpm clock.xpm ln -sf ../themes/shaped/config config ln -sf ../themes/shaped/date.xpm date.xpm ln -sf ../themes/shaped/hour.xpm hour.xpm ln -sf ../themes/shaped/led.xpm led.xpm ln -sf ../themes/shaped/minute.xpm minute.xpm ln -sf ../themes/shaped/second.xpm second.xpm ln -sf ../languages/japanese/month.xpm month.xpm ln -sf ../languages/japanese/weekday.xpm weekday.xpm cd .. ln -sf asclock.man wmclock.man xmkmf make clean make cd .. ## make wmmail cd WMMail.app-%{wmmail} aclocal-1.4 automake-1.4 -a -c --gnu --include-deps autoconf %configure make CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" LDFLAGS="-L%{_libdir}" cd .. %install rm -rf %{buildroot} %define SYSDEFDIR %{x11confdir}/WindowMaker/ mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{SYSDEFDIR} %makeinstall nlsdir=%{buildroot}%{_localedir} for i in $(ls */README) ; do echo $i | sed -e "s|\(.*\)/\(.*\)|\2\.\1|" | xargs cp $i done make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} -C %{asclock} # install config files for Vine make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} SYSDEFDIR=%{SYSDEFDIR} install -C %{vsource} ln -s %{_libdir}/firefox-3.0/icons/default48.png \ %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/WindowMaker/Icons/firefox48.png # set default menubutton for PPC %ifarch ppc pushd %{buildroot}%{SYSDEFDIR} sed -e "s/MouseLeftButtonAction\ =\ SelectWindows/MouseLeftButtonAction\ =\ OpenApplicationsMenu/" \ -e "s/MouseRightButtonAction\ =\ OpenApplicationsMenu/MouseRightButtonAction\ =\ SelectWindows/" \ WindowMaker > WindowMaker.ppc mv -f WindowMaker.ppc WindowMaker popd %endif # install wmconfig items make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install -C %{wmconfig} # install libdockapp make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install -C %{libdockapp} # install WMMail.app ( cd WMMail.app-%{wmmail} %makeinstall #install sound file and pixmaps of WMMail.app WMMailDIR=%{buildroot}/%{gnustepdir}/Applications/WMMail.app/ mkdir -p ${WMMailDIR}/Sounds/ mkdir -p ${WMMailDIR}/Anims/{NeXT,asmail,e,monitor-e} cp Sounds/*.au ${WMMailDIR}/Sounds/ for dir in NeXT asmail e monitor-e; do cp Anims/${dir}/*.xpm ${WMMailDIR}/Anims/${dir} done #install config file of WMMail.app for Vine Linux cp %{SOURCE11} %{buildroot}/%{SYSDEFDIR}/WMMail #install dockit install -m 755 %{SOURCE21} %{buildroot}%{_bindir} # prepare docs pwd mkdir ../WMMail.app cp -p AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS README Defaults/WMMail ../WMMail.app ) # provide libwraster.so.2 tentatively ln -sf libwraster.so.3 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libwraster.so.2 # added for 0.9.2 pushd %{buildroot}/%{_includedir} mkdir -p WINGs mv WINGs.h WINGsP.h WUtil.h proplist-compat.h WINGs/ popd # install WindowMaker.desktop install -d %{buildroot}%{x11confdir}/dm/Sessions install -m 755 %{SOURCE22} %{buildroot}%{x11confdir}/dm/Sessions install -m 755 %{SOURCE23} %{buildroot}%{_bindir} # remove unpackaged files rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/WindowMaker rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.la #rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.a %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %pre libs # Script to support upgrade from old directory tree # This will be removed in near future... SYSDEFDIR=%{x11confdir}/WindowMaker if [ -L ${SYSDEFDIR} ]; then rm -f ${SYSDEFDIR} fi # The below seems to be necessary to suppress warning in updates.... OLDDEFDIR=%{_datadir}/WindowMaker/Defaults if [ -d ${OLDDEFDIR} ]; then rm -f ${OLDDEFDIR}/* fi %triggerin -- ppxp SYSDEFDIR=%{x11confdir}/WindowMaker cd ${SYSDEFDIR} rm WMState ln -sf WMState.ppxp WMState %triggerun -- ppxp [ $2 = 0 ] || exit 0 SYSDEFDIR=%{x11confdir}/WindowMaker cd ${SYSDEFDIR} rm WMState %post libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc AUTHORS BUGFORM BUGS COPYING* ChangeLog FAQ FAQ.I18N INSTALL %doc MIRRORS NEWS README* TODO %config %{x11confdir}/dm/Sessions/WindowMaker.desktop %{x11confdir}/WindowMaker/* %{_bindir}/*.sh %{_bindir}/RunWM %{_bindir}/wmclock %{_bindir}/convertfonts %{_bindir}/geticonset %{_bindir}/getstyle %{_bindir}/seticons %{_bindir}/setstyle %{_bindir}/wkdemenu.pl %{_bindir}/wm-oldmenu2new %{_bindir}/wmagnify %{_bindir}/wmaker %{_bindir}/wmaker.inst %{_bindir}/wmsetbg %{_bindir}/wmsetup %{_bindir}/wxcopy %{_bindir}/wxpaste %{_datadir}/WINGs/ %{_datadir}/WindowMaker/ %{_mandir}/*/* %{_localedir}/*/*/* %{gnustepdir}/Applications/WPrefs.app/ %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/ %{gnustepdir}/Applications/WMMail.app/ %doc WMMail.app/ %{_bindir}/dockit %files libs %defattr(-,root,root) %{_bindir}/get-wings-flags %{_bindir}/get-wraster-flags %{_bindir}/get-wutil-flags %{_bindir}/wdread %{_bindir}/wdwrite %{_libdir}/lib*.so.* %files devel %defattr(-,root,root) %{_includedir}/WINGs %{_includedir}/WMaker.h %{_includedir}/dockapp.h %{_includedir}/wraster.h %{_libdir}/libdockapp.so %{_libdir}/libdockapp.so.1 %{_libdir}/libdockapp.so.1.0.0 %{_libdir}/libwraster.so %{_libdir}/libwraster.so.2 %{_libdir}/libwraster.so.3 %{_libdir}/libwraster.so.3.1.0 %{_libdir}/libWINGs.a %{_libdir}/libWMaker.a %{_libdir}/libWUtil.a %{_libdir}/libdockapp.a %{_libdir}/libwraster.a %changelog * Mon Feb 22 2010 Shu KONNO 0.92.0-6 - putback static libraries * Sun Feb 21 2010 Shu KONNO 0.92.0-5 - rebuilt with new toolchain * Fri May 01 2009 Shu KONNO 0.92.0-4vl5 - added libdockapp-0.4.0-config.sub.patch - dropt static library * Wed Apr 29 2009 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.92.0-3vl5 - changed libs Group to System Environment/Libraries - updated SOURCE23 (for AfterStep) * Sat Jun 28 2008 Shu KONNO 0.92.0-2vl5 - added WMMail.app-0.63a.config.patch - fixed WMMail.defaults.vine - fixed wmconfig-vine-1.1.tar.bz2 - added symbolic link to %%{_libdir}/firefox-3.0/icons/default48.png - updated WindowMaker-0.92.0-vine to WindowMaker-0.92.0-vine.5a1 - fixed Defaults/WMWindowAttributes - fixed Defaults/WMState* - fixed BINDIR path in Makefile - added bin/tknamazu.sh - updated asclock to 2.0.12 - dropt WindowMaker-0.62.0-wmclock.patch - dropt asclock-jp.patch - added asclock-2.0.12.patch * Mon Jun 02 2008 Shu KONNO 0.92.0-1vl5 - applied new versioning policy and utf-8 - added BuildRequires: xorg-x11-devel imake - added Source23: RunWM (import from xinitrc-3.46-0vl1) - dropt Requires: xinitrc - fixed Source6: %{vsource}.tar.gz - fixed Source20: wmconfig-vine-1.1.tar.bz2 - fixed Source22: WindowMaker.desktop * Mon Aug 20 2007 Shu KONNO 0.92.0-0vl10 - added Patch40: WindowMaker-0.92.0-x86_specific.patch (from FC7 cvs20060123.patch) * Sun Aug 19 2007 Shu KONNO 0.92.0-0vl9 - changed URL to http://windowmaker.info - added BuildPreReq: libtool, automake14 - dropt patch40: %{vsource}.font.patch - updated Source6: %{vsource}.tar.gz - added xterm item to menu - changed mozilla to firefox in menu - fixed fontset scripts * Tue Oct 17 2006 Shu KONNO 0.92.0-0vl7 - dropt Requires: wmconfig * Sun Oct 15 2006 Shu KONNO 0.92.0-0vl6 - added patch40: WindowMaker-0.92.0-vine.font.patch - fixed WMMail.app path in WMMail.defaults.vine * Fri Mar 10 2006 Shu KONNO 0.92.0-0vl5 - fixed building error of WMMail.app for x86_64 - fixed GNUstep/Applications directory for x86_64 * Sat Feb 25 2006 Shu KONNO 0.92.0-0vl4 - rebuild for VineSeed - added x86_64 architecture support - added WindowMaker-0.92.0-configure.noasm.patch for x86_64 * Mon Feb 13 2006 Shu KONNO 0.92.0-0vl3 - new upstream release WindowMaker-0.92.0 - added WindowMaker.desktop for gdm session - added WindowMaker-0.92.0-vine.tar.gz (replaced WindowMaker-0.91.0-vine31.tar.bz2) - added BuildPreReq: automake17 - dropt WindowMaker-0.51.0-areas.patch -- no source - dropt WindowMaker-0.62.0-wmclock.patch -- fixed - dropt WindowMaker-0.64.0-wsetfont.patch -- changed source - dropt wmaker-xim-xft.patch -- fixed - dropt wmaker-xim-cvs20040509.patch -- fixed - changed WINGs headers to originals (next 2 patches are not needed) - dropt WindowMaker-0.64.0-WUtilPath.patch - dropt WindowMaker-cvs-src.build.patch * Tue Dec 14 2004 KOBAYASHI R. Taizo 0.91.0-0vl3 - change menu messages code from EUC to UTF-8 * Tue Nov 09 2004 KOBAYASHI R. Taizo 0.91.0-0vl2 - modified vsource * Wed Nov 03 2004 KOBAYASHI R. Taizo 0.91.0-0vl1 - source update - provides libwraster.so.2 tentatively. until rebuild wdm, wmakerconf and WMSoundSet * Thu May 13 2004 KOBAYASHI R. Taizo 0.80.2-0vl2.1 - TEST update source cvs-20040509 * Sun Jul 13 2003 Ryoichi INAGAKI 0.80.2-0vl2 - fixed spec file to build with automake-1.5 and current autoconf * Tue Nov 12 2002 Daisuke SUZUKI 0.80.2-0vl1 - new upstream release - An exploitable buffer overrun bug has been found in Window Maker recently. This release fixes the problem. * Sun Sep 22 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji 0.80.0-0vl10 - vsource updated (linuxconf -> Webmin, vedit -> gedit) * Wed Jul 17 2002 Jun Nishii 0.80.0-0vl9 - fix include path in WINGs related include files * Thu Jul 11 2002 Jun Nishii 0.80.0-0vl8 - apply xim patch, wmaker-xim-0.80.0.patch.txt * Thu Mar 14 2002 Daisuke SUZUKI 0.80.0-0vl7 - update WindowMaker-0.80.0-vine25 - remove netscape and vedit, add mozilla and gedit - add background image - change some window color * Thu Mar 14 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji 0.80.0-0vl6 - yet another typo fix. Doh... * Wed Mar 13 2002 MATSUBAYASHI Kohji 0.80.0-0vl5 - modified %install section (%ifarch ppc line contained typo) * Wed Mar 6 2002 Jun Nishii 0.80.0-0vl4 - enable CirculateRaise - ver.up ja.po * Sun Feb 10 2002 Jun Nishii 0.80.0-0vl3 - back to WMMail-0.63a and merge some diffs from 0.64 * Fri Feb 8 2002 Jun Nishii 0.80.0-0vl2 - ja.po 更新 (WindowMaker-0.80.0ja2) - change option name around MouseButton in Defaults/WindowMaker to new one. * Thu Feb 7 2002 Jun Nishii 0.80.0-0vl1 - ver.up - build with XFree-4.2 * Sun Aug 05 2001 - 0.65.1-0vl2: - don't apply guessfont.patch, which is no longer neeeded - split correctly WINGs stuff (wdm) into libs subpackage - consequently, move pre script to libs (shouldn't be removed in near future?) - PreReq: WindowMaker-libs = %%{version} for main package (Wow!!!) * Thu Jul 26 2001 - 0.65.1-0vl1: update to 0.65.1 and regenerate patches * Sat Jun 23 2001 Jun Nishii 0.65.0-0vl3 - update ja.po * Thu Jun 07 2001 - 0.65.0-0vl2: handle non existent GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT directory * Mon May 21 2001 Jun Nishii - 0.65.0-0vl1 - update WMMail.app to ver. 0.64 - separate devel subpackage * Mon May 14 2001 Shoji Matsumoto - 0.64.0-0vl3 - modify WindowMaker-0.62.1-vine6 to vine7 (add MozillaImStatus config) * Mon Apr 09 2001 MATSUBAYASHI 'Shaolin' Kohji - 0.64.0-0vl2 - fixed WUtil.h path in WINGS.h * Mon Feb 26 2001 Jun Nishii - 0.64.0-0vl1 * Thu Feb 08 2001 Lisa Sagami - added defattr to separated lib subpackage * Thu Feb 8 2001 Jun Nishii - 0.63.1-0vl4 - separate libs subpackage * Wed Jan 17 2001 MATSUBAYASHI 'Shaolin' Kohji - 0.63.1-0vl3 - change ${SYSDEFDIR} -> %{SYSDEFDIR} in %ifarch ppc lines 1 Jun Nishii - 0.63.1-0vl2 - more macros in spec - update WINGs patch * Sat Jan 13 2001 Jun Nishii - 0.63.1-0vl1 - version up * Tue Oct 10 2000 Jun Nishii - 0.62.1-0vl8 - bug fix in plmenu.ja * Sun Oct 1 2000 Jun Nishii - 0.62.1-0vl7 - change icon of sylpheed * Sun Oct 1 2000 Jun Nishii - 0.62.1-0vl6 - set font as alias-fixed * Sat Sep 30 2000 Jun Nishii - 0.62.1-0vl5 - obsletes vmail and use sylpheed * Thu Aug 31 2000 Jun Nishii - 0.62.1-0vl4 - change backbground path (use vine-backgrounds) * Sun Aug 20 2000 MATSUBAYASHI 'Shaolin' Kohji - 0.62.1-0vl3 - swap default mousebutton if ppc (PowerMac's default mouse has only one button...) * Wed Aug 16 2000 Jun Nishii - rename mozilla.sh as netscape.sh - use brp - added dockit * Sun Apr 3 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa - updated to 0.62.1 * Sun Apr 2 2000 Jun Nishii - added libdockapp instead of docklib * Fri Mar 31 2000 Yasuyuki Furukawa - updated to 0.62.0 - added docklib src from 0.61.1 - modified ja.po for WindowMaker and WMPrefs * Tue Jan 25 2000 Jun Nishii - bug fix of WINGs_im patch by Mr. Furukawa * Sat Jan 22 2000 Jun Nishii - bug fix of installation process of Makefile in WindowMaker-0.61.1vine7 * Thu Dec 30 1999 Yasuyuki Furukawa (Vine) - rel.9 - added WINGs_im patch to support XIM in WINGs tool kits. * Fri Dec 3 1999 Jun Nishii - use rm --force in %post - Do not use birthwindow.patch which may cause incorrect window placement. * Fri Nov 26 1999 Jun NISHII - fix autostart.sh to check wsoundserver and wmsound - ver up wmconfig-vine - some other minor changes... * Fri Nov 12 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.6 - added wheel patch - bug fix in mozilla.sh * Thu Nov 11 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.5 - requires vutils instead of vsetup * Wed Nov 10 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.4 - change menu - requires vsetup * Tue Nov 9 1999 Yasuyuki Furukawa (Vine, JP-3) - use font guess patch instead of Japanese font patch - remove japanese fontset from default font-set * Thu Oct 14 1999 Jun Nishii - added dockapp.h * Sat Oct 9 1999 Jun Nishii - 0.61.1 * Mon Sep 27 1999 Jun Nishii - added mozilla.sh * Sun Sep 26 1999 Jun Nishii - change default font-sets * Tue Sep 21 1999 Jun Nishii - use Default.style_kai instead of Default.style - install libdockapp * Wed Jul 21 1999 Jun Nishii - move to new directory structure (defaults in /etc/X11/WindowMaker) * Tue Jul 20 1999 Jun Nishii - build for Vine-1.9 * Sun Jun 6 1999 Jun Nishii - merged patch for wsetfont to support MultiByteText - modify default font setting - launch netscape from autostart.sh * Fri Jun 4 1999 Jun Nishii - updated to 0.60.0 * Fri Apr 23 1999 Jun Nishii - updated to 0.53.0 * Thu Mar 25 1999 Jun Nishii - patch to fix focus * Sun Mar 14 1999 Jun Nishii - updated to 0.51.2 * Fri Mar 12 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.11 - bug fix of the wrapper of wmconfig * Mon Mar 8 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.10 - added wrapper of wmconfig to support dummy NLS * Thu Mar 4 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.9 - asclock-jp.patch and WindowMaker-birthwindow.patch by Yasuyuki Furukawa - remove xfig from menu * Thu Mar 4 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.8 - bug fix in menu items which require root privilege (use su -) * Sun Feb 28 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.7 - use plmenu.ja as a default menu * Thu Feb 25 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.6 - stop autoraise * Sun Feb 21 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.5 - added patch for WMMail not to down when no /var/spool/mail/$USER * Sun Feb 21 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.4 - merge WMMail.app - dock WMMail if no xppxpm - fix bug that kterm doesn't start from dock after restart WM. - added plmenu.ja * Tue Feb 16 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.3 - set BuggyApplication for xppxp in Dock which enables no warning when xppxp is not installed - move Themes for Vine to WindowMaker-Icons * Tue Feb 16 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.2 - modify menu, Dock, and etc for Vine 1.0 * Fri Jan 29 1999 Jun Nishii - updated to 0.51.0 * Wed Jan 27 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.4 - customize some key bindings - remove xterm from menu.ja - make default iconsize 56x56 * Thu Jan 14 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.3 - use /lib/cpp which is a wrapper to choose one by gcc or egcs - typo fix in WPrefs.ja.po * Sun Jan 10 1999 Jun Nishii - rel.2 - use gcc -E instead of /lib/cpp * Sun Jan 10 1999 Jun Nishii - updated to 0.50.2 * Sun Jan 10 1999 Jun Nishii - updated to 0.50.1 * Fri Jan 8 1999 Jun Nishii - updated to 0.50.0 * Sun Dec 27 1998 Jun Nishii - added patch, new_nifty_pixmap-gradient.patch * Sun Dec 20 1998 Jun Nishii - modify menu and other default settings - added new themes * Fri Dec 11 1998 Jun Nishii - modified ja.po for WindowMaker and WPrefs - added config files for Vine Linux * Sat Dec 5 1998 Jun Nishii - updated to 0.20.3 - added and modified ja.po for WindowMaker and WPrefs - make and merge patch to support nls for more messages * Mon Nov 30 1998 Jun Nishii - Moved Japanese catalog from ja_JP.ujis to ja * Mon Nov 24 1998 Jun Nishii - updated to 0.20.2 * Mon Nov 23 1998 Jun Nishii - enable kanji for Vine Linux * Mon Oct 05 1998 Cristian Gafton - fixed swicthing to other window managers problem - updated to 0.20.1 - include all the .mo files, not just WindowMaker... - added an older version of asclock as wmclock - include libPropList.a in the %files * Thu Sep 10 1998 Cristian Gafton - version 0.91.3 * Wed Sep 09 1998 Cristian Gafton - version 0.19.2 - don't require asclock as a separate package * Wed Aug 12 1998 Cristian Gafton - upgraded to 0.17.5 * Tue Jul 21 1998 Cristian Gafton - updated to 0.17.2 * Thu Jul 09 1998 Cristian Gafton - updated to 0.16.1 - removed asclock (conflicts with AfterStep) * Fri Feb 27 1998 Cristian Gafton - updated to 0.14.0 * Fri Jan 30 1998 Cristian Gafton - upgraded to 0.13.0 - added the include files and the development libraries * Thu Nov 20 1997 Cristian Gafton - first build against glibc