-- extract package information for specified package(s). -- get list of package from standard input. -- function. split strings and store it into table -- function split(str, d) local s = str local tbl = {} local p = "%s*(.-)%s*"..d.."%s*" local f = function(v) table.insert(tbl, v) end if s ~= nill then string.gsub(s, p, f) f(string.gsub(s, p, "")) end return tbl end -- main. read standard input and outpu package information -- apps = split(io.read()," ") for i, name in pairs(apps) do if pkgfind(name) then print("Package: "..pkgname(name)) print("Summary: "..pkgsummary(name)) print("Description: \n"..pkgdescr(name)) if pkgvercur(name) then print("State: Installed") else print("State: NotInstalled") end end end