-- This is a helper script for update-watch. -- Run apt-get and extract packaged that to be installed, -- updated, removed and duplicated. basefile = "/var/tmp/update-watch-info." filename = basefile.."tmp" -- Function to extract real package name from allow-duplicated packages. function realname(name) local s, e, name = string.find(name, "(.+)#") return name end -- Open output file that store list of to-be changed packages, file = io.open(filename, "w") if not file then print("error: can't open output file at "..filename) return end -- Mark whole system for upgrading to enable executing -- apt-get upgrade --simulate for non root users. markupgrade() -- *NOTE* bellow block is copied from allow-duplicated.lua -- to handle allow-duplicated packages properly. -------------------- -- Automatically install newer versions of all packages which -- are registered in the Allow-Duplicated scheme and are matched -- by the regular expressions in RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Upgrade. -- Compile expressions with package names which should -- be considered for upgrade. local updatelist = confgetlist("RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Upgrade") for i, expr in ipairs(updatelist) do updatelist[i] = rex.new(expr) end if table.getn(updatelist) ~= 0 then -- Gather information about Allow-Duplicated packges. local canddups = {} local curdups = {} for i, pkg in pairs(pkglist()) do local name = realname(pkgname(pkg)) if name then if pkgvercur(pkg) then if not curdups[name] then curdups[name] = {} end table.insert(curdups[name], verstr(pkgvercur(pkg))) elseif pkgvercand(pkg) then if not canddups[name] then canddups[name] = {} end table.insert(canddups[name], verstr(pkgvercand(pkg))) end end end -- Compile expressions with package names which should be hold. local holdlist = confgetlist("RPM::Hold") for i, expr in ipairs(holdlist) do holdlist[i] = rex.new(expr) end -- Remove packages without any matches in updatelist, or with -- any matches in holdlist. for name, _ in pairs(curdups) do local found = false for i, expr in ipairs(updatelist) do if expr:match(name) then found = true break end end if found then for i, expr in ipairs(holdlist) do if expr:match(name) then found = false break end end end if not found then curdups[name] = nil end end -- Mark the newest packages for installation. for name, _ in pairs(curdups) do if canddups[name] then -- Check the best candidate version. local bestver = nil for i, ver in ipairs(canddups[name]) do if not bestver or verstrcmp(bestver, ver) == -1 then bestver = ver end end -- Now check if it's newer than all installed -- versions. for i, ver in ipairs(curdups[name]) do if verstrcmp(ver, bestver) == 1 then bestver = nil break end end -- Finally, mark it for installation. if bestver then markinstall(name.."#"..bestver) end end end end -------------------- -- Print upgrade/new install/remove/hold package name if exist. -- *NOTE: newinstall package appeares as upgrade one too. naze... local new = {} local upgrade = {} local remove = {} local hold = {} local dup = {} for i, pkg in pairs(pkglist()) do -- Check new and update package if statnewinstall(pkg) then table.insert(new,string.format("new:%s\n",pkgname(pkg))) elseif statupgrade(pkg) then table.insert(upgrade,string.format("upgrade:%s\n",pkgname(pkg))) end --- Check remove package if statremove(pkg) then table.insert(remove,string.format("remove:%s\n",pkgname(pkg))) end --- Check hold package if pkgvercur(pkg) ~= nil and pkgvercand(pkg) ~= nil and statupgrade(pkg) == nil then local found = false for i, expr in ipairs(holdlist) do if expr:match(pkgname(pkg)) then found = true end end if not found then table.insert(hold,string.format("hold:%s\n",pkgname(pkg))) end end --- check duplicate package local name = realname(pkgname(pkg)) if name then local found = false for i, expr in ipairs(updatelist) do if expr:match(name) then found = true break end end if not found then table.insert(dup,string.format("duplicate:%s\n",pkgname(pkg))) end end end local function write(index, str) file:write(str) end table.foreach(new, write) table.foreach(upgrade, write) table.foreach(remove, write) table.foreach(hold, write) table.foreach(dup, write) file:close() os.execute("mv "..filename.." "..basefile.."`id -u`")