' Gambas class file PRIVATE hUpdateInfo AS File 'handler to read update-watch-info file PRIVATE cPackages AS NEW Collection 'store app data: Key=Package name, [0]=Status, [1]=Summary, [2]=Download Size, [3]=Install Size PRIVATE sAppName AS String 'store app name globaly (used for reading apt-cache's output) PUBLIC SUB Form_Open() DIM sLine AS String 'store each line read from update-watch-info file DIM sPkgList AS String 'store list of packages (for apt-cache command) DIM sPkgName AS String 'store package name DIM sRes AS String 'store outpu of apt-cache 'set number of columns cvwPackage.Columns.Count = 2 cvwPackage.Columns[0].Text = ("Package") cvwPackage.Columns[1].Text = ("Description") 'adjust button size to fit to text btnHelp.Width = btnHelp.Font.Width(btnHelp.Text) + 20 btnUpgrade.Width = btnUpgrade.Font.Width(btnUpgrade.Text) + 20 btnRun.Width = btnRun.Font.Width(btnRun.Text) + 20 btnReboot.Width = btnReboot.Font.Width(btnReboot.Text) + 20 btnClose.Width = btnClose.Font.Width(btnClose.Text) + 20 hbxBottom.Height = btnClose.Font.Height(btnClose.Text) + 12 'read update-watch-info file if any updates exist IF Stat(FMain.sPathInfo).Size > 0 THEN hUpdateInfo = OPEN FMain.sPathInfo FOR READ WHILE NOT Eof(hUpdateInfo) LINE INPUT #hUpdateInfo, sLine 'split with ":" sPkgName = Split(sLine, ":")[1] 'split virsion number for allow-duplicated packages. (ex. kernel#2.6.35-20vl6) sPkgName = Split(sPkgName, "#")[0] 'remove .32bit for compat32 packages (ex. compat32-glibc.32bit) IF sPkgName LIKE "*.32bit" THEN sPkgName = Left(sPkgName, (Len(sPkgName) - 6)) PRINT sPkgName cPackages.Add([Split(sLine, ":")[0], "", "", ""], sPkgName) sPkgList = sPkgList & " " & Split(sLine, ":")[1] WEND SHELL "apt-cache show " & sPkgList FOR READ AS "AptCache" ELSE 'even if there is no update packges foud, run AptCache_Kill() to 'finish setup Flist form AptCache_Kill() ENDIF 'position window ME.Center() END PUBLIC SUB AptCache_Read() DIM sLine AS String 'read output from apt-cache command and store information to collection LINE INPUT #LAST, sLine IF InStr(sLine, ": ") THEN SELECT CASE Split(sLine, ":")[0] CASE "Package" 'Name sLine = Right(sLine, Len(sLine) - 9) ' pacakge name sAppName = sLine ' hold current app name CASE "Summary" cPackages[sAppName][1] = Right(sLine, Len(sLine) - 9) CASE "Size" cPackages[sAppName][2] = Right(sLine, Len(sLine) - 6) CASE "Installed Size" cPackages[sAppName][3] = Right(sLine, Len(sLine) - 16) CASE "Version" 'do nothing CASE "Description" 'do nothing END SELECT ' ELSE ' ' assume only description has multi line text ' IF sAppName <> "" THEN ' cApplications[sAppName][idDesc] &= sLine & "
" ' ENDIF ENDIF END PUBLIC SUB AptCache_Kill() DIM aElement AS String[] DIM iInstSize AS Integer = 0 'total install size DIM iDLSize AS Integer = 0 'total download size DIM sRes AS String 'store output from rpm command 'create package list after apt-cache command is finished FOR EACH aElement IN cPackages SELECT CASE aElement[0] CASE "new" AddTreeviewItem(("New"), cPackages.Key, aElement[1]) iDLSize = iDLSize + aElement[2] iInstSize = iInstSize + aElement[3] CASE "upgrade" AddTreeviewItem(("Upgrade"), cPackages.Key, aElement[1]) 'get current installed size EXEC ["rpm", "-q", "--queryformat", "%{size}", cPackages.Key] TO sRes iDLSize = iDLSize + aElement[2] iInstSize = iInstSize + aElement[3] - CInt(sRes) CASE "remove" AddTreeviewItem(("Remove"), cPackages.Key, aElement[1]) 'get current installed size EXEC ["rpm", "-q", "--queryformat", "%{size}", cPackages.Key] TO sRes iInstSize = iInstSize - CInt(sRes) CASE "hold" AddTreeviewItem(("Hold"), cPackages.Key, aElement[1]) CASE "duplicate" AddTreeviewItem(("Duplicate"), cPackages.Key, aElement[1]) END SELECT NEXT 'scroll up treeview cvwPackage.MoveFirst TRY cvwPackage.Item.EnsureVisible 'change icon and text, show/hide treeeview and so on... SELECT CASE FMain.sNotifStatus CASE "REBOOT" pbxIcon.Picture = Stock["48/error"] tlbTitle.Text = ("Reboot required
\nTo complete the update of your system, restart your system.") 'hide treeview cvwPackage.Visible = FALSE hbxTop.Expand = TRUE FList.Height = FList.Height - (cvwPackage.Height + FList.Spacing) CASE "DUPLICATE" pbxIcon.Picture = Picture["/usr/share/pixmaps/update-watch-orange.png"] tlbTitle.Text = ("Duplicated version warning
\nMultiple version packages found.
\nRun synaptic and resolve this problem.") cvwPackage.Enabled = TRUE CASE "UPDATE" pbxIcon.Picture = Picture["/usr/share/pixmaps/update-watch-red.png"] IF FMain.iHold >= 1 THEN tlbTitle.Text = ("Upgrade hold packages found
\nPlease run package manager to update it.") cvwPackage.Enabled = TRUE btnRun.Visible = TRUE ELSE IF FMain.iUpgrade + FMain.iNew + FMain.iRemove >= 1 THEN tlbTitle.Text = ("") & CStr(FMain.iUpgrade + FMain.iNew + FMain.iRemove) & (" update found
\nIt may includes security fixes.
\nPlease update immediately.") btnUpgrade.Visible = TRUE cvwPackage.Enabled = TRUE IF iInstSize >= 0 THEN tlbInfo.Text = ("Total download size: ") & ConvUnit(iDLSize) & (" ") & ("(Used disk spaces after installation: ") & ConvUnit(iInstSize) & (")") ELSE tlbInfo.Text = ("Total download size: ") & ConvUnit(iDLSize) & (" ") & ("(Freed disk spaces after installation: ") & ConvUnit(Abs(iInstSize)) & (")") ENDIF ENDIF CASE "NOUPDATE" pbxIcon.Picture = Picture["update-watch.png"] tlbTitle.Text = ("No updates found
\nYour system seems now up-to-date.") 'hide treeview cvwPackage.Visible = FALSE hbxTop.Expand = TRUE FList.Height = FList.Height - (cvwPackage.Height + FList.Spacing) END SELECT 'set focus on close button btnClose.SetFocus END PUBLIC SUB btnClose_Click() ME.Close() END PUBLIC SUB btnHelp_Click() FMain.hMenuHelp_Click() END PUBLIC SUB btnUpgrade_Click() FMain.hMenuApply_Click() ME.Close END PUBLIC SUB btnRun_Click() FMain.hMenuRun_Click() END PUBLIC SUB btnReboot_Click() EXEC ["/usr/bin/shutdown", "-r", "now"] ME.Close END PUBLIC SUB AddTreeviewItem(sStatus AS String, sName AS String, sSummary AS String) 'add parent node in treeview IF cvwPackage.Exist(sStatus) = FALSE THEN cvwPackage.Add(sStatus, sStatus) ' add each package cvwPackage.Add(sName, sName, "", sStatus) cvwPackage.Item[1] = sSummary cvwPackage.Item.EnsureVisible END FUNCTION ConvUnit(sSize AS String) AS String DIM iConv AS Integer = 0 DIM fConv AS Float = 0 IF Val(sSize) < 1024 THEN RETURN sSize & ("Byte") ELSE IF Val(sSize) < 1048576 THEN iConv = Int(Val(sSize) / 1024) RETURN Str(iConv) & ("KB") ELSE fConv = Val(sSize) / 1024 / 1024 RETURN Str(Format(fConv, "####.#")) & ("MB") ENDIF END