6 True GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL GTK_WIN_POS_NONE False False False synaptic_mini.xpm False True False 12 True GTK_BUTTONBOX_END True True True gtk-cancel True GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL -6 True True True gtk-quit True GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL -5 0 False True GTK_PACK_END 6 True False 12 True gtk-dialog-warning 6 0 0 0 0 0 True True True False 12 True <b><big>Quit and discard marked changes?</big></b> There are still marked changes that have not yet been applied. They will get lost if you choose to quit 'Synaptic'. False True GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT True False 0 0 0 0 0 False False 0 True True 0 True True