Keyboard Shortcuts

List of all global short cuts in Synaptic Package Manager:

Reload the list of known packages Ctrl-R
Open the package search dialog Ctrl-F
Open the properties dialog for the selected package Ctrl-O
Mark the selected package(s) for installation Ctrl-I
Mark the selected package(s) for upgrade Ctrl-U
Mark the selected package(s) for removal Delete
Mark the selected package(s) for complete removal (Debian only) Shift-Delete
Unmark any changes to the selected package(s) Ctrl-N
Mark all possible upgrades Ctrl-G
Force the installation of a specific version of the package Ctrl-E
Undo the last status change to a package and to the therefor required dependencies Ctrl-Z
Redo the last reverted status change to a package and to the therefor required dependencies Shift-Ctrl-Z
Apply all marked changes Ctrl-P
Quit Synaptic Package Manager Ctrl-Q
Show the manual of Synaptic Package Manager F1