source: projects/specs/trunk/x/xorg-x11-xinit/Xresources @ 10989

Revision 10989, 493 bytes checked in by iwaim, 7 years ago (diff)

xorg-x11-xinit: add flies

[10989]1! This is the global resources file that is loaded when
2! all users log in, as well as for the login screen
4! Fix the Xft dpi to 96; this prevents tiny fonts
5! or HUGE fonts depending on the screen size.
6Xft.dpi: 96
8! hintstyle: medium means that (for Postscript fonts) we
9! position the stems for maximum constrast and consistency
10! but do not force the stems to integral widths. hintnone,
11! hintslight, and hintfull are the other possibilities.
12Xft.hintstyle: hintmedium
13Xft.hinting: true
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