source: projects/specs/trunk/t/texlive-collection-publishers/texlive-collection-publishers-vl.spec @ 9034

Revision 9034, 37.3 KB checked in by munepi, 10 years ago (diff)

synced tlnet to 20141028

1## -*- coding: utf-8-unix -*-
2## NOTE: This spec file is generated by tlpdb2rpmspec 2014-3:
3## tlpdb2rpmspec collection-publishers
5%global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
6%global __find_provides %{nil}
7%global __find_requires %{nil}
9Summary: TeX Live: Publisher styles, theses, etc.
10Summary(ja): TeX Live: Publisher styles, theses, etc.
11Name: texlive-collection-publishers
12Version: 2014
13Release: 3%{?_dist_release}
14License: LPPL, LPPL 1.3, Public Domain, GPL+, BSD, LPPL 1.2, Freely redistributable without restriction, GPLv3+, ASL 2.0
15Group: Applications/Publishing
18Source0: IEEEconf.doc.tar.xz
19Source1: IEEEconf.source.tar.xz
20Source2: IEEEconf.tar.xz
21Source3: IEEEtran.doc.tar.xz
22Source4: IEEEtran.tar.xz
23Source5: aastex.doc.tar.xz
24Source6: aastex.source.tar.xz
25Source7: aastex.tar.xz
26Source8: abntex2.doc.tar.xz
27Source9: abntex2.tar.xz
28Source10: acmconf.doc.tar.xz
29Source11: acmconf.source.tar.xz
30Source12: acmconf.tar.xz
31Source13: active-conf.doc.tar.xz
32Source14: active-conf.source.tar.xz
33Source15: active-conf.tar.xz
34Source16: adfathesis.doc.tar.xz
35Source17: adfathesis.source.tar.xz
36Source18: adfathesis.tar.xz
37Source19: afparticle.doc.tar.xz
38Source20: afparticle.source.tar.xz
39Source21: afparticle.tar.xz
40Source22: afthesis.doc.tar.xz
41Source23: afthesis.tar.xz
42Source24: aguplus.doc.tar.xz
43Source25: aguplus.tar.xz
44Source26: aiaa.doc.tar.xz
45Source27: aiaa.source.tar.xz
46Source28: aiaa.tar.xz
47Source29: ametsoc.doc.tar.xz
48Source30: ametsoc.tar.xz
49Source31: anufinalexam.doc.tar.xz
50Source32: anufinalexam.tar.xz
51Source33: aomart.doc.tar.xz
52Source34: aomart.source.tar.xz
53Source35: aomart.tar.xz
54Source36: apa.doc.tar.xz
55Source37: apa.tar.xz
56Source38: apa6.doc.tar.xz
57Source39: apa6.source.tar.xz
58Source40: apa6.tar.xz
59Source41: apa6e.doc.tar.xz
60Source42: apa6e.source.tar.xz
61Source43: apa6e.tar.xz
62Source44: arsclassica.doc.tar.xz
63Source45: arsclassica.tar.xz
64Source46: articleingud.doc.tar.xz
65Source47: articleingud.source.tar.xz
66Source48: articleingud.tar.xz
67Source49: asaetr.doc.tar.xz
68Source50: asaetr.tar.xz
69Source51: ascelike.doc.tar.xz
70Source52: ascelike.tar.xz
71Source53: bangorcsthesis.doc.tar.xz
72Source54: bangorcsthesis.source.tar.xz
73Source55: bangorcsthesis.tar.xz
74Source56: beamer-FUBerlin.doc.tar.xz
75Source57: beamer-FUBerlin.tar.xz
76Source58: bgteubner.doc.tar.xz
77Source59: bgteubner.source.tar.xz
78Source60: bgteubner.tar.xz
79Source61: brandeis-dissertation.doc.tar.xz
80Source62: brandeis-dissertation.source.tar.xz
81Source63: brandeis-dissertation.tar.xz
82Source64: cascadilla.doc.tar.xz
83Source65: cascadilla.tar.xz
84Source66: chem-journal.tar.xz
85Source67: classicthesis.doc.tar.xz
86Source68: classicthesis.tar.xz
87Source69: cmpj.doc.tar.xz
88Source70: cmpj.tar.xz
89Source71: confproc.doc.tar.xz
90Source72: confproc.source.tar.xz
91Source73: confproc.tar.xz
92Source74: dccpaper.doc.tar.xz
93Source75: dccpaper.source.tar.xz
94Source76: dccpaper.tar.xz
95Source77: dithesis.doc.tar.xz
96Source78: dithesis.tar.xz
97Source79: ebook.doc.tar.xz
98Source80: ebook.tar.xz
99Source81: ebsthesis.doc.tar.xz
100Source82: ebsthesis.source.tar.xz
101Source83: ebsthesis.tar.xz
102Source84: ejpecp.doc.tar.xz
103Source85: ejpecp.source.tar.xz
104Source86: ejpecp.tar.xz
105Source87: elbioimp.doc.tar.xz
106Source88: elbioimp.source.tar.xz
107Source89: elbioimp.tar.xz
108Source90: elsarticle.doc.tar.xz
109Source91: elsarticle.source.tar.xz
110Source92: elsarticle.tar.xz
111Source93: elteikthesis.doc.tar.xz
112Source94: elteikthesis.source.tar.xz
113Source95: elteikthesis.tar.xz
114Source96: erdc.doc.tar.xz
115Source97: erdc.source.tar.xz
116Source98: erdc.tar.xz
117Source99: estcpmm.doc.tar.xz
118Source100: estcpmm.source.tar.xz
119Source101: estcpmm.tar.xz
120Source102: fbithesis.doc.tar.xz
121Source103: fbithesis.source.tar.xz
122Source104: fbithesis.tar.xz
123Source105: fcltxdoc.doc.tar.xz
124Source106: fcltxdoc.source.tar.xz
125Source107: fcltxdoc.tar.xz
126Source108: gaceta.doc.tar.xz
127Source109: gaceta.tar.xz
128Source110: gatech-thesis.doc.tar.xz
129Source111: gatech-thesis.tar.xz
130Source112: har2nat.doc.tar.xz
131Source113: har2nat.tar.xz
132Source114: hobete.doc.tar.xz
133Source115: hobete.tar.xz
134Source116: icsv.doc.tar.xz
135Source117: icsv.source.tar.xz
136Source118: icsv.tar.xz
137Source119: ieeepes.doc.tar.xz
138Source120: ieeepes.tar.xz
139Source121: ijmart.doc.tar.xz
140Source122: ijmart.source.tar.xz
141Source123: ijmart.tar.xz
142Source124: imac.doc.tar.xz
143Source125: imac.tar.xz
144Source126: imtekda.doc.tar.xz
145Source127: imtekda.source.tar.xz
146Source128: imtekda.tar.xz
147Source129: jmlr.doc.tar.xz
148Source130: jmlr.source.tar.xz
149Source131: jmlr.tar.xz
150Source132: jpsj.doc.tar.xz
151Source133: jpsj.tar.xz
152Source134: kdgdocs.doc.tar.xz
153Source135: kdgdocs.source.tar.xz
154Source136: kdgdocs.tar.xz
155Source137: kluwer.doc.tar.xz
156Source138: kluwer.source.tar.xz
157Source139: kluwer.tar.xz
158Source140: lps.doc.tar.xz
159Source141: lps.source.tar.xz
160Source142: lps.tar.xz
161Source143: matc3.doc.tar.xz
162Source144: matc3.source.tar.xz
163Source145: matc3.tar.xz
164Source146: matc3mem.doc.tar.xz
165Source147: matc3mem.source.tar.xz
166Source148: matc3mem.tar.xz
167Source149: mentis.doc.tar.xz
168Source150: mentis.source.tar.xz
169Source151: mentis.tar.xz
170Source152: msu-thesis.doc.tar.xz
171Source153: msu-thesis.tar.xz
172Source154: mugsthesis.doc.tar.xz
173Source155: mugsthesis.source.tar.xz
174Source156: mugsthesis.tar.xz
175Source157: musuos.doc.tar.xz
176Source158: musuos.source.tar.xz
177Source159: musuos.tar.xz
178Source160: muthesis.doc.tar.xz
179Source161: muthesis.tar.xz
180Source162: nature.doc.tar.xz
181Source163: nature.tar.xz
182Source164: nddiss.doc.tar.xz
183Source165: nddiss.source.tar.xz
184Source166: nddiss.tar.xz
185Source167: nih.doc.tar.xz
186Source168: nih.tar.xz
187Source169: nostarch.doc.tar.xz
188Source170: nostarch.source.tar.xz
189Source171: nostarch.tar.xz
190Source172: nrc.doc.tar.xz
191Source173: nrc.source.tar.xz
192Source174: nrc.tar.xz
193Source175: onrannual.doc.tar.xz
194Source176: onrannual.tar.xz
195Source177: opteng.doc.tar.xz
196Source178: opteng.tar.xz
197Source179: philosophersimprint.doc.tar.xz
198Source180: philosophersimprint.source.tar.xz
199Source181: philosophersimprint.tar.xz
200Source182: pittetd.doc.tar.xz
201Source183: pittetd.source.tar.xz
202Source184: pittetd.tar.xz
203Source185: pkuthss.doc.tar.xz
204Source186: pkuthss.tar.xz
205Source187: powerdot-FUBerlin.doc.tar.xz
206Source188: powerdot-FUBerlin.tar.xz
207Source189: pracjourn.doc.tar.xz
208Source190: pracjourn.source.tar.xz
209Source191: pracjourn.tar.xz
210Source192: procIAGssymp.doc.tar.xz
211Source193: procIAGssymp.tar.xz
212Source194: proposal.doc.tar.xz
213Source195: proposal.source.tar.xz
214Source196: proposal.tar.xz
215Source197: ptptex.doc.tar.xz
216Source198: ptptex.tar.xz
217Source199: psu-thesis.doc.tar.xz
218Source200: psu-thesis.tar.xz
219Source201: resphilosophica.doc.tar.xz
220Source202: resphilosophica.source.tar.xz
221Source203: resphilosophica.tar.xz
222Source204: resumecls.doc.tar.xz
223Source205: resumecls.source.tar.xz
224Source206: resumecls.tar.xz
225Source207: revtex.doc.tar.xz
226Source208: revtex.source.tar.xz
227Source209: revtex.tar.xz
228Source210: revtex4.doc.tar.xz
229Source211: revtex4.source.tar.xz
230Source212: revtex4.tar.xz
231Source213: ryethesis.doc.tar.xz
232Source214: ryethesis.source.tar.xz
233Source215: ryethesis.tar.xz
234Source216: sageep.doc.tar.xz
235Source217: sageep.source.tar.xz
236Source218: sageep.tar.xz
237Source219: sapthesis.doc.tar.xz
238Source220: sapthesis.tar.xz
239Source221: scrjrnl.doc.tar.xz
240Source222: scrjrnl.source.tar.xz
241Source223: scrjrnl.tar.xz
242Source224: schule.doc.tar.xz
243Source225: schule.source.tar.xz
244Source226: schule.tar.xz
245Source227: seuthesis.doc.tar.xz
246Source228: seuthesis.source.tar.xz
247Source229: seuthesis.tar.xz
248Source230: soton.doc.tar.xz
249Source231: soton.tar.xz
250Source232: sphdthesis.doc.tar.xz
251Source233: sphdthesis.tar.xz
252Source234: spie.doc.tar.xz
253Source235: spie.tar.xz
254Source236: sr-vorl.doc.tar.xz
255Source237: sr-vorl.source.tar.xz
256Source238: sr-vorl.tar.xz
257Source239: stellenbosch.doc.tar.xz
258Source240: stellenbosch.source.tar.xz
259Source241: stellenbosch.tar.xz
260Source242: suftesi.doc.tar.xz
261Source243: suftesi.source.tar.xz
262Source244: suftesi.tar.xz
263Source245: sugconf.doc.tar.xz
264Source246: sugconf.tar.xz
265Source247: tabriz-thesis.doc.tar.xz
266Source248: tabriz-thesis.tar.xz
267Source249: texilikechaps.tar.xz
268Source250: texilikecover.tar.xz
269Source251: thesis-ekf.doc.tar.xz
270Source252: thesis-ekf.source.tar.xz
271Source253: thesis-ekf.tar.xz
272Source254: thesis-titlepage-fhac.doc.tar.xz
273Source255: thesis-titlepage-fhac.source.tar.xz
274Source256: thesis-titlepage-fhac.tar.xz
275Source257: thuthesis.doc.tar.xz
276Source258: thuthesis.source.tar.xz
277Source259: thuthesis.tar.xz
278Source260: toptesi.doc.tar.xz
279Source261: toptesi.source.tar.xz
280Source262: toptesi.tar.xz
281Source263: tudscr.doc.tar.xz
282Source264: tudscr.source.tar.xz
283Source265: tudscr.tar.xz
284Source266: tugboat.doc.tar.xz
285Source267: tugboat.source.tar.xz
286Source268: tugboat.tar.xz
287Source269: tugboat-plain.doc.tar.xz
288Source270: tugboat-plain.tar.xz
289Source271: tui.doc.tar.xz
290Source272: tui.tar.xz
291Source273: uaclasses.doc.tar.xz
292Source274: uaclasses.source.tar.xz
293Source275: uaclasses.tar.xz
294Source276: uadocs.doc.tar.xz
295Source277: uadocs.source.tar.xz
296Source278: uadocs.tar.xz
297Source279: uafthesis.doc.tar.xz
298Source280: uafthesis.tar.xz
299Source281: ucbthesis.doc.tar.xz
300Source282: ucbthesis.tar.xz
301Source283: ucdavisthesis.doc.tar.xz
302Source284: ucdavisthesis.source.tar.xz
303Source285: ucdavisthesis.tar.xz
304Source286: ucthesis.doc.tar.xz
305Source287: ucthesis.tar.xz
306Source288: uestcthesis.doc.tar.xz
307Source289: uestcthesis.tar.xz
308Source290: uiucredborder.doc.tar.xz
309Source291: uiucredborder.source.tar.xz
310Source292: uiucredborder.tar.xz
311Source293: uiucthesis.doc.tar.xz
312Source294: uiucthesis.source.tar.xz
313Source295: uiucthesis.tar.xz
314Source296: ulthese.doc.tar.xz
315Source297: ulthese.source.tar.xz
316Source298: ulthese.tar.xz
317Source299: umthesis.doc.tar.xz
318Source300: umthesis.tar.xz
319Source301: umich-thesis.doc.tar.xz
320Source302: umich-thesis.tar.xz
321Source303: unamth-template.doc.tar.xz
322Source304: unamth-template.tar.xz
323Source305: unamthesis.doc.tar.xz
324Source306: unamthesis.tar.xz
325Source307: unswcover.doc.tar.xz
326Source308: unswcover.tar.xz
327Source309: ut-thesis.doc.tar.xz
328Source310: ut-thesis.tar.xz
329Source311: uothesis.doc.tar.xz
330Source312: uothesis.source.tar.xz
331Source313: uothesis.tar.xz
332Source314: uowthesis.doc.tar.xz
333Source315: uowthesis.tar.xz
334Source316: uowthesistitlepage.doc.tar.xz
335Source317: uowthesistitlepage.tar.xz
336Source318: uspatent.doc.tar.xz
337Source319: uspatent.tar.xz
338Source320: uwthesis.doc.tar.xz
339Source321: uwthesis.tar.xz
340Source322: vancouver.doc.tar.xz
341Source323: vancouver.tar.xz
342Source324: wsemclassic.doc.tar.xz
343Source325: wsemclassic.source.tar.xz
344Source326: wsemclassic.tar.xz
345Source327: xcookybooky.doc.tar.xz
346Source328: xcookybooky.source.tar.xz
347Source329: xcookybooky.tar.xz
348Source330: yathesis.doc.tar.xz
349Source331: yathesis.source.tar.xz
350Source332: yathesis.tar.xz
351Source333: york-thesis.doc.tar.xz
352Source334: york-thesis.source.tar.xz
353Source335: york-thesis.tar.xz
355Requires: texlive = %{version}
356Requires: texlive-collection-latex = %{version}
358Requires(post):         texlive = %{version}
359Requires(postun):       texlive = %{version}
361BuildArch:      noarch
362Buildroot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
364Vendor:         Project Vine
365Distribution:   Vine Linux
366Packager:       munepi
369The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system for a
370variety of Unix, Macintosh, Windows and other platforms. It
371encompasses programs for editing, typesetting, previewing and printing
372of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection
373of TeX macros and font libraries.
375The distribution includes extensive general documentation about TeX,
376as well as the documentation for the included software packages.
378This package is a collection of Publisher styles, theses, etc.:
381This package contains the following CTAN packages:
382IEEEconf: Macros for IEEE conference proceedings.
383IEEEtran: Document class for IEEE Transactions journals and conferences.
384aastex: Macros for Manuscript Preparation for AAS Journals.
385abntex2: Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents based on ABNT rules.
386acmconf: Class for ACM conference proceedings.
387active-conf: Class for typesetting ACTIVE conference papers.
388adfathesis: Australian Defence Force Academy thesis format.
389afparticle: Typesetting articles for Archives of Forensic Psychology
390afthesis: Air Force Institute of Technology thesis class.
391aguplus: Styles for American Geophysical Union.
392aiaa: Typeset AIAA conference papers.
393ametsoc: Official American Meteorological Society Latex Template.
394anufinalexam: LaTeX document shell for ANU final exam
395aomart: Typeset articles for the Annals of Mathematics.
396apa: American Psychological Association format.
397apa6: Format documents in APA style (6th edition).
398apa6e: Format manuscripts to APA 6th edition guidelines.
399arsclassica: A different view of the ClassicThesis package.
400articleingud: LaTeX class for articles published in INGENIERIA review.
401asaetr: Transactions of the ASAE.
402ascelike: Bibliography style for the ASCE.
403bangorcsthesis: Typeset a thesis at Bangor University.
404beamer-FUBerlin: Beamer, using the style of FU Berlin.
405bgteubner: Class for producing books for the publisher "Teubner Verlag".
406brandeis-dissertation: Class for Brandeis University dissertations.
407cascadilla: Typeset papers conforming to the stylesheet of the Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
408chem-journal: Various BibTeX formats for journals in Chemistry.
409classicthesis: A "classically styled" thesis package.
410cmpj: Style for the journal Condensed Matter Physics.
411confproc: A set of tools for generating conference proceedings.
412dccpaper: Typeset papers for the International Journal of Digital Curation
414ebook: ebook
415ebsthesis: Typesetting theses for economics
416ejpecp: Class for EJP and ECP.
417elbioimp: A LaTeX document class for the Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance.
418elsarticle: Class for articles for submission to Elsevier journals.
419elteikthesis: Thesis class for ELTE University Informatics wing.
420erdc: Style for Reports by US Army Corps of Engineers.
421estcpmm: Style for Munitions Management Project Reports.
422fbithesis: Computer Science thesis class for University of Dortmund.
423fcltxdoc: Macros for use in the author's documentation.
424gaceta: A class to typeset La Gaceta de la RSME.
425gatech-thesis: Georgia Institute of Technology thesis class
426har2nat: Replace the harvard package with natbib.
427hobete: Unofficial beamer theme for the University of Hohenheim.
428icsv: Class for typesetting articles for the ICSV conference.
429ieeepes: IEEE Power Engineering Society Transactions.
430ijmart: LaTeX Class for the Israel Journal of Mathematics.
431imac: International Modal Analysis Conference format.
432imtekda: IMTEK thesis class.
433jmlr: Class files for the Journal of Machine Learning Research.
434jpsj: Document Class for Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.
435kdgdocs: Document classes for Karel de Grote University College.
437lps: Class for "Logic and Philosophy of Science".
438matc3: Commands for MatematicaC3 textbooks.
439matc3mem: Class for MatematicaC3 textbooks.
440mentis: A basis for books to be published by Mentis publishers.
441msu-thesis: Class for Michigan State University Master's and PhD theses.
442mugsthesis: Thesis class complying with Marquette University Graduate School requirements.
443musuos: Typeset papers for the department of music, Osnabruck.
444muthesis: Classes for University of Manchester Dept of Computer Science.
445nature: Prepare papers for the journal Nature.
446nddiss: Notre Dame Dissertation format class.
447nih: A class for NIH grant applications.
448nostarch: LaTeX class for No Starch Press.
449nrc: Class for the NRC technical journals.
450onrannual: Class for Office of Naval Research Ocean Battlespace Sensing annual report.
451opteng: SPIE Optical Engineering and OE Letters manuscript template.
452philosophersimprint: Typesetting articles for "Philosophers' Imprint".
453pittetd: Electronic Theses and Dissertations at Pitt.
454pkuthss: LaTeX template for dissertations in Peking University.
455powerdot-FUBerlin: Powerdot, using the style of FU Berlin.
456pracjourn: Typeset articles for PracTeX.
457procIAGssymp: Macros for IAG symposium papers.
458proposal: A class for preparing proposals.
459ptptex: Macros for 'Progress of Theoretical Physics'.
460psu-thesis: Package for writing a thesis at Penn State University.
461resphilosophica: Typeset articles for the journal Res Philosophica.
462resumecls: Typeset a resumee in both Chinese and English.
463revtex: Styles for various Physics Journals.
465ryethesis: Class for Ryerson Unversity Graduate School requirements.
466sageep: Format papers for the annual meeting of EEGS.
467sapthesis: Typeset theses for Sapienza-University, Rome.
468scrjrnl: Typeset diaries or journals.
469schule: Support for teachers at German schools.
470seuthesis: LaTeX template for theses at Southeastern University.
471soton: University of Southampton-compliant slides.
472sphdthesis: Latex template for writing PhD Thesis
473spie: Support for formatting SPIE Proceedings manuscripts.
474sr-vorl: Class for Springer books.
475stellenbosch: Stellenbosch thesis bundle.
476suftesi: A document class for typesetting theses, books and articles.
477sugconf: SAS(R) user group conference proceedings document class.
478tabriz-thesis: A template for the University of Tabriz.
479texilikechaps: Format chapters with a texi-like format.
480texilikecover: A cover-page package, like TeXinfo.
481thesis-ekf: Thesis class for Eszterhazy Karoly College.
482thesis-titlepage-fhac: Little style to create a standard titlepage for diploma thesis
483thuthesis: Thesis template for Tsinghua University.
484toptesi: Bundle of files for typsetting theses.
485tudscr: Typeset documents in the corporate style of TU Dresden.
486tugboat: LaTeX macros for TUGboat articles.
487tugboat-plain: Plain TeX macros for TUGboat.
488tui: Thesis style for the University of the Andes, Colombia.
489uaclasses: University of Arizona thesis and dissertation format.
490uadocs: Course texts and masters theses in University of Antwerp style.
491uafthesis: Document class for theses at University of Alaska Fairbanks.
493ucdavisthesis: A thesis/dissertation class for University of California at Davis.
494ucthesis: University of California thesis format.
495uestcthesis: Thesis class for UESTC
496uiucredborder: Class for UIUC thesis red-bordered forms.
497uiucthesis: UIUC thesis class.
498ulthese: Thesis class and templates for Universite Laval.
499umthesis: Dissertations at the University of Michigan.
500umich-thesis: University of Michigan Thesis LaTeX class.
501unamth-template: UNAM Thesis LaTeX Template
502unamthesis: Style for Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico theses.
503unswcover: Typeset a dissertation cover page following UNSW guidelines.
504ut-thesis: University of Toronto thesis style.
505uothesis: Class for dissertations and theses at the University of Oregon.
506uowthesis: Document class for dissertations at the University of Wollongong.
507uowthesistitlepage: Title page for dissertations at the University of Wollongong.
508uspatent: U.S. Patent Application Tools for LaTeX and LyX.
509uwthesis: University of Washington thesis class.
510vancouver: Bibliographic style file for Biomedical Journals.
511wsemclassic: LaTeX class for Bavarian school w-seminar papers.
512xcookybooky: Typeset (potentially long) recipes.
513yathesis: yathesis provides a LaTeX class that aims to help to write a thesis following French rules
514york-thesis: A thesis class file for York University, Toronto.
516%description -l ja
517TeX Live ソフトウェアディストリビューションは、
518さまざまな Unix, Macintosh, Windows、および
519他のプラットホームに対して完全な TeX システムを提供します。
520多くの異なった言語を含む TeX ドキュメントの
522そして、TeX マクロやフォントライブラリの大きなコレクションを
527TeX に関するたくさんの一般的なドキュメントを含んでいます。
530Publisher styles, theses, etc.:
533このパッケージは以下の CTAN パッケージを含んでいます:
534IEEEconf: Macros for IEEE conference proceedings.
535IEEEtran: Document class for IEEE Transactions journals and conferences.
536aastex: Macros for Manuscript Preparation for AAS Journals.
537abntex2: Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents based on ABNT rules.
538acmconf: Class for ACM conference proceedings.
539active-conf: Class for typesetting ACTIVE conference papers.
540adfathesis: Australian Defence Force Academy thesis format.
541afparticle: Typesetting articles for Archives of Forensic Psychology
542afthesis: Air Force Institute of Technology thesis class.
543aguplus: Styles for American Geophysical Union.
544aiaa: Typeset AIAA conference papers.
545ametsoc: Official American Meteorological Society Latex Template.
546anufinalexam: LaTeX document shell for ANU final exam
547aomart: Typeset articles for the Annals of Mathematics.
548apa: American Psychological Association format.
549apa6: Format documents in APA style (6th edition).
550apa6e: Format manuscripts to APA 6th edition guidelines.
551arsclassica: A different view of the ClassicThesis package.
552articleingud: LaTeX class for articles published in INGENIERIA review.
553asaetr: Transactions of the ASAE.
554ascelike: Bibliography style for the ASCE.
555bangorcsthesis: Typeset a thesis at Bangor University.
556beamer-FUBerlin: Beamer, using the style of FU Berlin.
557bgteubner: Class for producing books for the publisher "Teubner Verlag".
558brandeis-dissertation: Class for Brandeis University dissertations.
559cascadilla: Typeset papers conforming to the stylesheet of the Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
560chem-journal: Various BibTeX formats for journals in Chemistry.
561classicthesis: A "classically styled" thesis package.
562cmpj: Style for the journal Condensed Matter Physics.
563confproc: A set of tools for generating conference proceedings.
564dccpaper: Typeset papers for the International Journal of Digital Curation
566ebook: ebook
567ebsthesis: Typesetting theses for economics
568ejpecp: Class for EJP and ECP.
569elbioimp: A LaTeX document class for the Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance.
570elsarticle: Class for articles for submission to Elsevier journals.
571elteikthesis: Thesis class for ELTE University Informatics wing.
572erdc: Style for Reports by US Army Corps of Engineers.
573estcpmm: Style for Munitions Management Project Reports.
574fbithesis: Computer Science thesis class for University of Dortmund.
575fcltxdoc: Macros for use in the author's documentation.
576gaceta: A class to typeset La Gaceta de la RSME.
577gatech-thesis: Georgia Institute of Technology thesis class
578har2nat: Replace the harvard package with natbib.
579hobete: Unofficial beamer theme for the University of Hohenheim.
580icsv: Class for typesetting articles for the ICSV conference.
581ieeepes: IEEE Power Engineering Society Transactions.
582ijmart: LaTeX Class for the Israel Journal of Mathematics.
583imac: International Modal Analysis Conference format.
584imtekda: IMTEK thesis class.
585jmlr: Class files for the Journal of Machine Learning Research.
586jpsj: Document Class for Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.
587kdgdocs: Document classes for Karel de Grote University College.
589lps: Class for "Logic and Philosophy of Science".
590matc3: Commands for MatematicaC3 textbooks.
591matc3mem: Class for MatematicaC3 textbooks.
592mentis: A basis for books to be published by Mentis publishers.
593msu-thesis: Class for Michigan State University Master's and PhD theses.
594mugsthesis: Thesis class complying with Marquette University Graduate School requirements.
595musuos: Typeset papers for the department of music, Osnabruck.
596muthesis: Classes for University of Manchester Dept of Computer Science.
597nature: Prepare papers for the journal Nature.
598nddiss: Notre Dame Dissertation format class.
599nih: A class for NIH grant applications.
600nostarch: LaTeX class for No Starch Press.
601nrc: Class for the NRC technical journals.
602onrannual: Class for Office of Naval Research Ocean Battlespace Sensing annual report.
603opteng: SPIE Optical Engineering and OE Letters manuscript template.
604philosophersimprint: Typesetting articles for "Philosophers' Imprint".
605pittetd: Electronic Theses and Dissertations at Pitt.
606pkuthss: LaTeX template for dissertations in Peking University.
607powerdot-FUBerlin: Powerdot, using the style of FU Berlin.
608pracjourn: Typeset articles for PracTeX.
609procIAGssymp: Macros for IAG symposium papers.
610proposal: A class for preparing proposals.
611ptptex: Macros for 'Progress of Theoretical Physics'.
612psu-thesis: Package for writing a thesis at Penn State University.
613resphilosophica: Typeset articles for the journal Res Philosophica.
614resumecls: Typeset a resumee in both Chinese and English.
615revtex: Styles for various Physics Journals.
617ryethesis: Class for Ryerson Unversity Graduate School requirements.
618sageep: Format papers for the annual meeting of EEGS.
619sapthesis: Typeset theses for Sapienza-University, Rome.
620scrjrnl: Typeset diaries or journals.
621schule: Support for teachers at German schools.
622seuthesis: LaTeX template for theses at Southeastern University.
623soton: University of Southampton-compliant slides.
624sphdthesis: Latex template for writing PhD Thesis
625spie: Support for formatting SPIE Proceedings manuscripts.
626sr-vorl: Class for Springer books.
627stellenbosch: Stellenbosch thesis bundle.
628suftesi: A document class for typesetting theses, books and articles.
629sugconf: SAS(R) user group conference proceedings document class.
630tabriz-thesis: A template for the University of Tabriz.
631texilikechaps: Format chapters with a texi-like format.
632texilikecover: A cover-page package, like TeXinfo.
633thesis-ekf: Thesis class for Eszterhazy Karoly College.
634thesis-titlepage-fhac: Little style to create a standard titlepage for diploma thesis
635thuthesis: Thesis template for Tsinghua University.
636toptesi: Bundle of files for typsetting theses.
637tudscr: Typeset documents in the corporate style of TU Dresden.
638tugboat: LaTeX macros for TUGboat articles.
639tugboat-plain: Plain TeX macros for TUGboat.
640tui: Thesis style for the University of the Andes, Colombia.
641uaclasses: University of Arizona thesis and dissertation format.
642uadocs: Course texts and masters theses in University of Antwerp style.
643uafthesis: Document class for theses at University of Alaska Fairbanks.
645ucdavisthesis: A thesis/dissertation class for University of California at Davis.
646ucthesis: University of California thesis format.
647uestcthesis: Thesis class for UESTC
648uiucredborder: Class for UIUC thesis red-bordered forms.
649uiucthesis: UIUC thesis class.
650ulthese: Thesis class and templates for Universite Laval.
651umthesis: Dissertations at the University of Michigan.
652umich-thesis: University of Michigan Thesis LaTeX class.
653unamth-template: UNAM Thesis LaTeX Template
654unamthesis: Style for Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico theses.
655unswcover: Typeset a dissertation cover page following UNSW guidelines.
656ut-thesis: University of Toronto thesis style.
657uothesis: Class for dissertations and theses at the University of Oregon.
658uowthesis: Document class for dissertations at the University of Wollongong.
659uowthesistitlepage: Title page for dissertations at the University of Wollongong.
660uspatent: U.S. Patent Application Tools for LaTeX and LyX.
661uwthesis: University of Washington thesis class.
662vancouver: Bibliographic style file for Biomedical Journals.
663wsemclassic: LaTeX class for Bavarian school w-seminar papers.
664xcookybooky: Typeset (potentially long) recipes.
665yathesis: yathesis provides a LaTeX class that aims to help to write a thesis following French rules
666york-thesis: A thesis class file for York University, Toronto.
668%package doc
669Summary: TeX Live: Documentation files of %{name}
670Group: Applications/Publishing
671Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
673%description doc
674This package contains documentation files of %{name}.
677%setup -c -n %{name}-%{version}
678%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE1}
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1017[ -n "%{buildroot}" -a "%{buildroot}" != / ] && %__rm -rf %{buildroot}
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1021## move texmf-dist to /usr/share/texmf-dist
1022[ -d texmf-dist ] && %__mv texmf-dist %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist}/ ||:
1024## move texmf to /usr/share/texmf
1025[ -d texmf ] && %__mv texmf %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfmain}/ ||:
1027## move tlpkg to /usr/share/tlpkg
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1030## move all non-arch binaries to /usr/bin
1031[ -d bin ] && %__mv bin %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/ ||:
1033## move others into /usr/share/texmf-dist
1034%__mkdir_p %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist}
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1039## remove duplicated files between texlive and texlive-collection-*
1040## NOTE: We provides texmf.cnf and updmap{-hdr,}.cfg from texlive
1041## remove unpacked files
1051if [ -d %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist} ]; then
1052pushd %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist}
1053%__rm -f ${x[@]} ||:
1057## Files list
1058find %{buildroot} -type f -or -type l | \
1059    %__sed -e "s|%{buildroot}||g" > filelist.full
1061find %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist} -type d | \
1062    %__sed -e "s|^%{buildroot}|%dir |" \
1063           -e "s|$|/|"             >> filelist.full
1065## subpackages
1066grep "/texmf-dist/doc/" filelist.full > filelist.doc
1067cat filelist.doc filelist.full | sort | uniq -u > filelist.tmp
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1074%_tl_touch_run texhash
1075%_tl_touch_run mtxrun
1077exit 0
1081if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then
1082    %_tl_touch_run texhash
1086exit 0
1093exit 0
1096%files -f filelist.full
1099%files -f filelist.doc doc
1103* Tue Oct 28 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2014-3
1104- synced tlnet to 20141028
1106* Sun Jul  6 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2014-2
1107- synced tlnet to 20140706
1109* Sun May 25 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2014-1
1110- synced tlnet to 20140524
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.