source: projects/specs/trunk/t/texlive-collection-pictures/texlive-collection-pictures-vl.spec @ 9955

Revision 9955, 40.4 KB checked in by munepi, 8 years ago (diff)

reverted to texlive-20150521-source (TeX Live 2015)
remove duplicated files from texlive-collection-*

1## -*- coding: utf-8-unix -*-
2## NOTE: This spec file is generated by tlpdb2rpmspec 2015-4:
3## tlpdb2rpmspec collection-pictures
5%global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
6%global __find_provides %{nil}
7%global __find_requires %{nil}
9Summary: TeX Live: Graphics, pictures, diagrams
10Summary(ja): TeX Live: Graphics, pictures, diagrams
11Name: texlive-collection-pictures
12Version: 2015
13Release: 4%{?_dist_release}
14License: LPPL 1.3, LPPL, Freely redistributable without restriction, GPL+, Public Domain, GPLv3+, GPLv2+, LPPL 1.2, ASL 2.0
15Group: Applications/Publishing
18Source0: aobs-tikz.doc.tar.xz
19Source1: aobs-tikz.source.tar.xz
20Source2: aobs-tikz.tar.xz
21Source3: askmaps.doc.tar.xz
22Source4: askmaps.tar.xz
23Source5: asyfig.doc.tar.xz
24Source6: asyfig.source.tar.xz
25Source7: asyfig.tar.xz
26Source8: asypictureb.doc.tar.xz
27Source9: asypictureb.source.tar.xz
28Source10: asypictureb.tar.xz
29Source11: autoarea.doc.tar.xz
30Source12: autoarea.tar.xz
31Source13: bardiag.doc.tar.xz
32Source14: bardiag.tar.xz
33Source15: blochsphere.doc.tar.xz
34Source16: blochsphere.source.tar.xz
35Source17: blochsphere.tar.xz
36Source18: bloques.doc.tar.xz
37Source19: bloques.tar.xz
38Source20: blox.doc.tar.xz
39Source21: blox.source.tar.xz
40Source22: blox.tar.xz
41Source23: bodegraph.doc.tar.xz
42Source24: bodegraph.tar.xz
43Source25: bondgraph.doc.tar.xz
44Source26: bondgraph.tar.xz
45Source27: bondgraphs.doc.tar.xz
46Source28: bondgraphs.source.tar.xz
47Source29: bondgraphs.tar.xz
48Source30: braids.doc.tar.xz
49Source31: braids.source.tar.xz
50Source32: braids.tar.xz
51Source33: bxeepic.doc.tar.xz
52Source34: bxeepic.tar.xz
53Source35: cachepic.doc.tar.xz
54Source36: cachepic.tar.xz
55Source37: celtic.doc.tar.xz
56Source38: celtic.source.tar.xz
57Source39: celtic.tar.xz
58Source40: chemfig.doc.tar.xz
59Source41: chemfig.tar.xz
60Source42: combinedgraphics.doc.tar.xz
61Source43: combinedgraphics.source.tar.xz
62Source44: combinedgraphics.tar.xz
63Source45: circuitikz.doc.tar.xz
64Source46: circuitikz.tar.xz
65Source47: curve.doc.tar.xz
66Source48: curve.source.tar.xz
67Source49: curve.tar.xz
68Source50: curve2e.doc.tar.xz
69Source51: curve2e.source.tar.xz
70Source52: curve2e.tar.xz
71Source53: curves.doc.tar.xz
72Source54: curves.source.tar.xz
73Source55: curves.tar.xz
74Source56: dcpic.doc.tar.xz
75Source57: dcpic.tar.xz
76Source58: diagmac2.doc.tar.xz
77Source59: diagmac2.tar.xz
78Source60: doc-pictex.doc.tar.xz
79Source61: doc-pictex.tar.xz
80Source62: dottex.doc.tar.xz
81Source63: dottex.source.tar.xz
82Source64: dottex.tar.xz
83Source65: dot2texi.doc.tar.xz
84Source66: dot2texi.tar.xz
85Source67: dratex.doc.tar.xz
86Source68: dratex.tar.xz
87Source69: drs.doc.tar.xz
88Source70: drs.tar.xz
89Source71: duotenzor.doc.tar.xz
90Source72: duotenzor.tar.xz
91Source73: eepic.doc.tar.xz
92Source74: eepic.tar.xz
93Source75: ellipse.doc.tar.xz
94Source76: ellipse.source.tar.xz
95Source77: ellipse.tar.xz
96Source78: epspdf.doc.tar.xz
97Source79: epspdf.tar.xz
98Source80: epspdfconversion.doc.tar.xz
99Source81: epspdfconversion.tar.xz
100Source82: esk.doc.tar.xz
101Source83: esk.source.tar.xz
102Source84: esk.tar.xz
103Source85: fast-diagram.doc.tar.xz
104Source86: fast-diagram.tar.xz
105Source87: fig4latex.doc.tar.xz
106Source88: fig4latex.tar.xz
107Source89: fitbox.doc.tar.xz
108Source90: fitbox.source.tar.xz
109Source91: fitbox.tar.xz
110Source92: flowchart.doc.tar.xz
111Source93: flowchart.source.tar.xz
112Source94: flowchart.tar.xz
113Source95: forest.doc.tar.xz
114Source96: forest.source.tar.xz
115Source97: forest.tar.xz
116Source98: genealogytree.doc.tar.xz
117Source99: genealogytree.tar.xz
118Source100: getmap.doc.tar.xz
119Source101: getmap.tar.xz
120Source102: gincltex.doc.tar.xz
121Source103: gincltex.source.tar.xz
122Source104: gincltex.tar.xz
123Source105: gnuplottex.doc.tar.xz
124Source106: gnuplottex.source.tar.xz
125Source107: gnuplottex.tar.xz
126Source108: gradientframe.doc.tar.xz
127Source109: gradientframe.source.tar.xz
128Source110: gradientframe.tar.xz
129Source111: grafcet.doc.tar.xz
130Source112: grafcet.tar.xz
131Source113: graphviz.doc.tar.xz
132Source114: graphviz.source.tar.xz
133Source115: graphviz.tar.xz
134Source116: harveyballs.doc.tar.xz
135Source117: harveyballs.tar.xz
136Source118: here.doc.tar.xz
137Source119: here.tar.xz
138Source120: hf-tikz.doc.tar.xz
139Source121: hf-tikz.source.tar.xz
140Source122: hf-tikz.tar.xz
141Source123: hobby.doc.tar.xz
142Source124: hobby.source.tar.xz
143Source125: hobby.tar.xz
144Source126: hvfloat.doc.tar.xz
145Source127: hvfloat.tar.xz
146Source128: knitting.doc.tar.xz
147Source129: knitting.tar.xz
148Source130: knittingpattern.doc.tar.xz
149Source131: knittingpattern.tar.xz
150Source132: lapdf.doc.tar.xz
151Source133: lapdf.tar.xz
152Source134: latex-make.doc.tar.xz
153Source135: latex-make.source.tar.xz
154Source136: latex-make.tar.xz
155Source137: lpic.doc.tar.xz
156Source138: lpic.tar.xz
157Source139: makeshape.doc.tar.xz
158Source140: makeshape.source.tar.xz
159Source141: makeshape.tar.xz
160Source142: mathspic.doc.tar.xz
161Source143: mathspic.tar.xz
162Source144: miniplot.doc.tar.xz
163Source145: miniplot.tar.xz
164Source146: mkpic.doc.tar.xz
165Source147: mkpic.tar.xz
166Source148: modiagram.doc.tar.xz
167Source149: modiagram.tar.xz
168Source150: neuralnetwork.doc.tar.xz
169Source151: neuralnetwork.tar.xz
170Source152: numericplots.doc.tar.xz
171Source153: numericplots.tar.xz
172Source154: pb-diagram.doc.tar.xz
173Source155: pb-diagram.tar.xz
174Source156: petri-nets.doc.tar.xz
175Source157: petri-nets.tar.xz
176Source158: pgf.doc.tar.xz
177Source159: pgf.source.tar.xz
178Source160: pgf.tar.xz
179Source161: pgf-blur.doc.tar.xz
180Source162: pgf-blur.source.tar.xz
181Source163: pgf-blur.tar.xz
182Source164: pgf-soroban.doc.tar.xz
183Source165: pgf-soroban.tar.xz
184Source166: pgf-umlcd.doc.tar.xz
185Source167: pgf-umlcd.tar.xz
186Source168: pgf-umlsd.doc.tar.xz
187Source169: pgf-umlsd.tar.xz
188Source170: pgfgantt.doc.tar.xz
189Source171: pgfgantt.source.tar.xz
190Source172: pgfgantt.tar.xz
191Source173: pgfkeyx.doc.tar.xz
192Source174: pgfkeyx.tar.xz
193Source175: pgfmolbio.doc.tar.xz
194Source176: pgfmolbio.source.tar.xz
195Source177: pgfmolbio.tar.xz
196Source178: pgfopts.doc.tar.xz
197Source179: pgfopts.source.tar.xz
198Source180: pgfopts.tar.xz
199Source181: pgfplots.doc.tar.xz
200Source182: pgfplots.source.tar.xz
201Source183: pgfplots.tar.xz
202Source184: picinpar.doc.tar.xz
203Source185: picinpar.tar.xz
204Source186: pict2e.doc.tar.xz
205Source187: pict2e.source.tar.xz
206Source188: pict2e.tar.xz
207Source189: pictex.doc.tar.xz
208Source190: pictex.tar.xz
209Source191: pictex2.tar.xz
210Source192: pinlabel.doc.tar.xz
211Source193: pinlabel.tar.xz
212Source194: pmgraph.doc.tar.xz
213Source195: pmgraph.tar.xz
214Source196: prerex.doc.tar.xz
215Source197: prerex.tar.xz
216Source198: productbox.doc.tar.xz
217Source199: productbox.source.tar.xz
218Source200: productbox.tar.xz
219Source201: pxpgfmark.doc.tar.xz
220Source202: pxpgfmark.tar.xz
221Source203: qcircuit.doc.tar.xz
222Source204: qcircuit.tar.xz
223Source205: qrcode.doc.tar.xz
224Source206: qrcode.source.tar.xz
225Source207: qrcode.tar.xz
226Source208: randbild.doc.tar.xz
227Source209: randbild.source.tar.xz
228Source210: randbild.tar.xz
229Source211: randomwalk.doc.tar.xz
230Source212: randomwalk.source.tar.xz
231Source213: randomwalk.tar.xz
232Source214: reotex.doc.tar.xz
233Source215: reotex.tar.xz
234Source216: rviewport.doc.tar.xz
235Source217: rviewport.source.tar.xz
236Source218: rviewport.tar.xz
237Source219: sa-tikz.doc.tar.xz
238Source220: sa-tikz.tar.xz
239Source221: schemabloc.doc.tar.xz
240Source222: schemabloc.tar.xz
241Source223: setdeck.doc.tar.xz
242Source224: setdeck.tar.xz
243Source225: smartdiagram.doc.tar.xz
244Source226: smartdiagram.source.tar.xz
245Source227: smartdiagram.tar.xz
246Source228: spath3.doc.tar.xz
247Source229: spath3.source.tar.xz
248Source230: spath3.tar.xz
249Source231: swimgraf.doc.tar.xz
250Source232: swimgraf.tar.xz
251Source233: texdraw.doc.tar.xz
252Source234: texdraw.tar.xz
253Source235: ticollege.doc.tar.xz
254Source236: ticollege.tar.xz
255Source237: tipfr.doc.tar.xz
256Source238: tipfr.tar.xz
257Source239: tikz-3dplot.doc.tar.xz
258Source240: tikz-3dplot.tar.xz
259Source241: tikz-bayesnet.doc.tar.xz
260Source242: tikz-bayesnet.tar.xz
261Source243: tikz-cd.doc.tar.xz
262Source244: tikz-cd.tar.xz
263Source245: tikz-dependency.doc.tar.xz
264Source246: tikz-dependency.tar.xz
265Source247: tikz-dimline.doc.tar.xz
266Source248: tikz-dimline.tar.xz
267Source249: tikz-inet.doc.tar.xz
268Source250: tikz-inet.tar.xz
269Source251: tikz-opm.doc.tar.xz
270Source252: tikz-opm.tar.xz
271Source253: tikz-palattice.doc.tar.xz
272Source254: tikz-palattice.tar.xz
273Source255: tikz-qtree.doc.tar.xz
274Source256: tikz-qtree.tar.xz
275Source257: tikz-timing.doc.tar.xz
276Source258: tikz-timing.source.tar.xz
277Source259: tikz-timing.tar.xz
278Source260: tikzinclude.doc.tar.xz
279Source261: tikzinclude.source.tar.xz
280Source262: tikzinclude.tar.xz
281Source263: tikzmark.doc.tar.xz
282Source264: tikzmark.source.tar.xz
283Source265: tikzmark.tar.xz
284Source266: tikzorbital.doc.tar.xz
285Source267: tikzorbital.tar.xz
286Source268: tikzpagenodes.doc.tar.xz
287Source269: tikzpagenodes.source.tar.xz
288Source270: tikzpagenodes.tar.xz
289Source271: tikzpfeile.doc.tar.xz
290Source272: tikzpfeile.source.tar.xz
291Source273: tikzpfeile.tar.xz
292Source274: tikzposter.doc.tar.xz
293Source275: tikzposter.source.tar.xz
294Source276: tikzposter.tar.xz
295Source277: tikzscale.doc.tar.xz
296Source278: tikzscale.source.tar.xz
297Source279: tikzscale.tar.xz
298Source280: tikzsymbols.doc.tar.xz
299Source281: tikzsymbols.source.tar.xz
300Source282: tikzsymbols.tar.xz
301Source283: timing-diagrams.doc.tar.xz
302Source284: timing-diagrams.tar.xz
303Source285: tqft.doc.tar.xz
304Source286: tqft.source.tar.xz
305Source287: tqft.tar.xz
306Source288: tkz-base.doc.tar.xz
307Source289: tkz-base.tar.xz
308Source290: tkz-berge.doc.tar.xz
309Source291: tkz-berge.tar.xz
310Source292: tkz-doc.doc.tar.xz
311Source293: tkz-doc.tar.xz
312Source294: tkz-euclide.doc.tar.xz
313Source295: tkz-euclide.tar.xz
314Source296: tkz-fct.doc.tar.xz
315Source297: tkz-fct.tar.xz
316Source298: tkz-graph.doc.tar.xz
317Source299: tkz-graph.tar.xz
318Source300: tkz-kiviat.doc.tar.xz
319Source301: tkz-kiviat.tar.xz
320Source302: tkz-linknodes.doc.tar.xz
321Source303: tkz-linknodes.tar.xz
322Source304: tkz-orm.doc.tar.xz
323Source305: tkz-orm.tar.xz
324Source306: tkz-tab.doc.tar.xz
325Source307: tkz-tab.tar.xz
326Source308: tsemlines.tar.xz
327Source309: tufte-latex.doc.tar.xz
328Source310: tufte-latex.tar.xz
329Source311: venndiagram.doc.tar.xz
330Source312: venndiagram.source.tar.xz
331Source313: venndiagram.tar.xz
332Source314: xpicture.doc.tar.xz
333Source315: xpicture.source.tar.xz
334Source316: xpicture.tar.xz
335Source317: xypic.doc.tar.xz
336Source318: xypic.tar.xz
338Requires: texlive = %{version}
339Requires: texlive-collection-basic = %{version}
341Requires(post):         texlive = %{version}
342Requires(postun):       texlive = %{version}
344BuildArch:      noarch
345Buildroot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
347Vendor:         Project Vine
348Distribution:   Vine Linux
349Packager:       munepi
352The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system for a
353variety of Unix, Macintosh, Windows and other platforms. It
354encompasses programs for editing, typesetting, previewing and printing
355of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection
356of TeX macros and font libraries.
358The distribution includes extensive general documentation about TeX,
359as well as the documentation for the included software packages.
361This package is a collection of Graphics, pictures, diagrams:
362Including TikZ, pict, etc., but MetaPost and PStricks are
365This package contains the following CTAN packages:
366aobs-tikz: TikZ styles for creating overlaid pictures in beamer.
367askmaps: Typeset American style Karnaugh maps.
368asyfig: Commands for using Asymptote figures.
369asypictureb: User-friendly integration of Asymptote into LaTeX
370autoarea: Automatic computation of bounding boxes with PiCTeX.
371bardiag: LateX package for drawing bar diagrams.
372blochsphere: Draw pseudo-3D diagrams of Bloch spheres
373bloques: Generate control diagrams.
374blox: Draw block diagrams, using TikZ.
375bodegraph: Draw Bode, Nyquist and Black plots with gnuplot and TikZ.
376bondgraph: Create bond graph figures in LaTeX documents.
377bondgraphs: Draws bond graphs in LaTeX, using pgf/TikZ.
378braids: Draw braid diagrams with PGF/TikZ.
379bxeepic: Eepic facilities using pict2e.
380cachepic: Convert document fragments into graphics.
381celtic: A TikZ library for drawing celtic knots.
382chemfig: Draw molecules with easy syntax
383combinedgraphics: Include graphic (EPS or PDF)/LaTeX combinations.
384circuitikz: Draw electrical networks with TikZ.
385curve: A class for making curriculum vitae.
386curve2e: Extensions for package pict2e.
387curves: Curves for LaTeX picture environment
388dcpic: Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents.
389diagmac2: Diagram macros, using pict2e.
390doc-pictex: A summary list of PicTeX documentation.
391dottex: Use dot code in LaTeX.
392dot2texi: Create graphs within LaTeX using the dot2tex tool.
393dratex: General drawing macros.
394drs: Typeset Discourse Representation Structures (DRS).
395duotenzor: Drawing package for circuit and duotensor diagrams.
396eepic: Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools.
397ellipse: Draw ellipses and elliptical arcs using the standard LaTeX2e picture environment
398epspdf: Converter for PostScript, EPS and PDF
399epspdfconversion: On-the-fly conversion of EPS to PDF.
400esk: Package to encapsulate Sketch files in LaTeX sources.
401fast-diagram: Easy generation of FAST diagrams.
402fig4latex: Management of figures for large LaTeX documents.
403fitbox: Fit graphics on a page
404flowchart: Shapes for drawing flowcharts, using TikZ.
405forest: Drawing (linguistic) trees.
406genealogytree: Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams
407getmap: Download OpenStreetMap maps for use in documents.
408gincltex: Include TeX files as graphics (.tex support for includegraphics).
409gnuplottex: Embed Gnuplot commands in LaTeX documents
410gradientframe: Simple gradient frames around objects.
411grafcet: Draw Grafcet/SFC with TikZ.
412graphviz: Write graphviz (dot+neato) inline in LaTeX documents.
413harveyballs: Create Harvey Balls using TikZ.
414here: Emulation of obsolete package for "here" floats.
415hf-tikz: A simple way to highlight formulas and formula parts.
416hobby: An implementation of Hobby's algorithm for PGF/TikZ.
417hvfloat: Rotating caption and object of floats independently.
418knitting: Produce knitting charts, in Plain TeX or LaTeX.
419knittingpattern: Create knitting patterns.
420lapdf: PDF drawing directly in TeX documents.
421latex-make: Easy compiling of complex (and simple) LaTeX documents.
422lpic: Put LaTeX material over included graphics.
423makeshape: Declare new PGF shapes.
424mathspic: A Perl filter program for use with PiCTeX.
425miniplot: A package for easy figure arrangement.
426mkpic: Perl interface to mfpic.
427modiagram: Drawing molecular orbital diagrams
428neuralnetwork: Graph-drawing for neural networks.
429numericplots: Plot numeric data (including Matlab export) using PSTricks.
430pb-diagram: A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts.
431petri-nets: A set TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets
432pgf: Create PostScript and PDF graphics in TeX
433pgf-blur: PGF/TikZ package for "blurred" shadows.
434pgf-soroban: Create images of the soroban using TikZ/PGF.
435pgf-umlcd: Some LaTeX macros for UML Class Diagrams.
436pgf-umlsd: Draw UML Sequence Diagrams.
437pgfgantt: Draw Gantt charts with TikZ.
438pgfkeyx: Extended and more robust version of pgfkeys.
439pgfmolbio: Draw graphs typically found in molecular biology texts.
440pgfopts: LaTeX package options with pgfkeys.
441pgfplots: Create normal/logarithmic plots in two and three dimensions
442picinpar: Insert pictures into paragraphs.
443pict2e: New implementation of picture commands
444pictex: Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX.
445pictex2: Adds relative coordinates and improves the plot command.
446pinlabel: A TeX labelling package.
447pmgraph: "Poor man's" graphics.
448prerex: Interactive editor and macro support for prerequisite charts.
449productbox: Typeset a three-dimensional product box.
450pxpgfmark: e-pTeX driver for PGF inter-picture connections.
451qcircuit: Macros to generate quantum ciruits
452qrcode: Generate QR codes in LaTeX.
453randbild: Marginal pictures.
454randomwalk: Random walks using TikZ
455reotex: Draw Reo Channels and Circuits.
456rviewport: Relative Viewport for Graphics Inclusion.
457sa-tikz: TikZ library to draw switching architectures.
458schemabloc: Draw block diagrams, using Tikz.
459setdeck: Typeset cards for Set.
460smartdiagram: Generate diagrams from lists.
461spath3: Manipulate "soft paths" in PGF.
462swimgraf: Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances
463texdraw: Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript.
464ticollege: Graphical representation of keys on a standard scientific calculator.
465tipfr: Produces calculator's keys with the help of TikZ
466tikz-3dplot: Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ.
467tikz-bayesnet: Draw Bayesian networks, graphical models and directed factor graphs
468tikz-cd: Create commutative diagrams with TikZ
469tikz-dependency: A library for drawing dependency graphs.
470tikz-dimline: Technical dimension lines using PGF/TikZ.
471tikz-inet: Draw interaction nets with TikZ
472tikz-opm: Typeset OPM diagrams.
473tikz-palattice: Draw particle accelerator lattices with TikZ.
474tikz-qtree: Use existing qtree syntax for trees in TikZ.
475tikz-timing: Easy generation of timing diagrams as tikz pictures.
476tikzinclude: Import TikZ images from colletions.
477tikzmark: Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page.
478tikzorbital: Atomic and molecular orbitals using TiKZ.
479tikzpagenodes: A single TikZ node for the whole page.
480tikzpfeile: Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ.
481tikzposter: Create scientific posters using TikZ.
482tikzscale: Resize pictures while respecting text size.
483tikzsymbols: Some symbols created using TikZ
484timing-diagrams: Draw timing diagrams.
485tqft: Drawing TQFT diagrams with TikZ/PGF.
486tkz-base: Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system.
487tkz-berge: Macros for drawing graphs of graph theory.
488tkz-doc: Documentation macros for the TKZ series of packages.
489tkz-euclide: Tools for drawing Euclidean geometry.
490tkz-fct: Tools for drawing graphs of functions.
491tkz-graph: Draw graph-theory graphs.
492tkz-kiviat: Draw Kiviat graphs.
493tkz-linknodes: Link nodes in mathematical environments.
494tkz-orm: Create Object-Role Model (ORM) diagrams,
495tkz-tab: Tables of signs and variations using PGF/TikZ.
496tsemlines: Support for the ancient emline macro.
497tufte-latex: Document classes inspired by the work of Edward Tufte.
498venndiagram: Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ.
499xpicture: Extensions of LaTeX picture drawing.
500xypic: Flexible diagramming macros.
502%description -l ja
503TeX Live ソフトウェアディストリビューションは、
504さまざまな Unix, Macintosh, Windows、および
505他のプラットホームに対して完全な TeX システムを提供します。
506多くの異なった言語を含む TeX ドキュメントの
508そして、TeX マクロやフォントライブラリの大きなコレクションを
513TeX に関するたくさんの一般的なドキュメントを含んでいます。
516Graphics, pictures, diagrams:
517Including TikZ, pict, etc., but MetaPost and PStricks are
520このパッケージは以下の CTAN パッケージを含んでいます:
521aobs-tikz: TikZ styles for creating overlaid pictures in beamer.
522askmaps: Typeset American style Karnaugh maps.
523asyfig: Commands for using Asymptote figures.
524asypictureb: User-friendly integration of Asymptote into LaTeX
525autoarea: Automatic computation of bounding boxes with PiCTeX.
526bardiag: LateX package for drawing bar diagrams.
527blochsphere: Draw pseudo-3D diagrams of Bloch spheres
528bloques: Generate control diagrams.
529blox: Draw block diagrams, using TikZ.
530bodegraph: Draw Bode, Nyquist and Black plots with gnuplot and TikZ.
531bondgraph: Create bond graph figures in LaTeX documents.
532bondgraphs: Draws bond graphs in LaTeX, using pgf/TikZ.
533braids: Draw braid diagrams with PGF/TikZ.
534bxeepic: Eepic facilities using pict2e.
535cachepic: Convert document fragments into graphics.
536celtic: A TikZ library for drawing celtic knots.
537chemfig: Draw molecules with easy syntax
538combinedgraphics: Include graphic (EPS or PDF)/LaTeX combinations.
539circuitikz: Draw electrical networks with TikZ.
540curve: A class for making curriculum vitae.
541curve2e: Extensions for package pict2e.
542curves: Curves for LaTeX picture environment
543dcpic: Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents.
544diagmac2: Diagram macros, using pict2e.
545doc-pictex: A summary list of PicTeX documentation.
546dottex: Use dot code in LaTeX.
547dot2texi: Create graphs within LaTeX using the dot2tex tool.
548dratex: General drawing macros.
549drs: Typeset Discourse Representation Structures (DRS).
550duotenzor: Drawing package for circuit and duotensor diagrams.
551eepic: Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools.
552ellipse: Draw ellipses and elliptical arcs using the standard LaTeX2e picture environment
553epspdf: Converter for PostScript, EPS and PDF
554epspdfconversion: On-the-fly conversion of EPS to PDF.
555esk: Package to encapsulate Sketch files in LaTeX sources.
556fast-diagram: Easy generation of FAST diagrams.
557fig4latex: Management of figures for large LaTeX documents.
558fitbox: Fit graphics on a page
559flowchart: Shapes for drawing flowcharts, using TikZ.
560forest: Drawing (linguistic) trees.
561genealogytree: Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams
562getmap: Download OpenStreetMap maps for use in documents.
563gincltex: Include TeX files as graphics (.tex support for includegraphics).
564gnuplottex: Embed Gnuplot commands in LaTeX documents
565gradientframe: Simple gradient frames around objects.
566grafcet: Draw Grafcet/SFC with TikZ.
567graphviz: Write graphviz (dot+neato) inline in LaTeX documents.
568harveyballs: Create Harvey Balls using TikZ.
569here: Emulation of obsolete package for "here" floats.
570hf-tikz: A simple way to highlight formulas and formula parts.
571hobby: An implementation of Hobby's algorithm for PGF/TikZ.
572hvfloat: Rotating caption and object of floats independently.
573knitting: Produce knitting charts, in Plain TeX or LaTeX.
574knittingpattern: Create knitting patterns.
575lapdf: PDF drawing directly in TeX documents.
576latex-make: Easy compiling of complex (and simple) LaTeX documents.
577lpic: Put LaTeX material over included graphics.
578makeshape: Declare new PGF shapes.
579mathspic: A Perl filter program for use with PiCTeX.
580miniplot: A package for easy figure arrangement.
581mkpic: Perl interface to mfpic.
582modiagram: Drawing molecular orbital diagrams
583neuralnetwork: Graph-drawing for neural networks.
584numericplots: Plot numeric data (including Matlab export) using PSTricks.
585pb-diagram: A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts.
586petri-nets: A set TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets
587pgf: Create PostScript and PDF graphics in TeX
588pgf-blur: PGF/TikZ package for "blurred" shadows.
589pgf-soroban: Create images of the soroban using TikZ/PGF.
590pgf-umlcd: Some LaTeX macros for UML Class Diagrams.
591pgf-umlsd: Draw UML Sequence Diagrams.
592pgfgantt: Draw Gantt charts with TikZ.
593pgfkeyx: Extended and more robust version of pgfkeys.
594pgfmolbio: Draw graphs typically found in molecular biology texts.
595pgfopts: LaTeX package options with pgfkeys.
596pgfplots: Create normal/logarithmic plots in two and three dimensions
597picinpar: Insert pictures into paragraphs.
598pict2e: New implementation of picture commands
599pictex: Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX.
600pictex2: Adds relative coordinates and improves the plot command.
601pinlabel: A TeX labelling package.
602pmgraph: "Poor man's" graphics.
603prerex: Interactive editor and macro support for prerequisite charts.
604productbox: Typeset a three-dimensional product box.
605pxpgfmark: e-pTeX driver for PGF inter-picture connections.
606qcircuit: Macros to generate quantum ciruits
607qrcode: Generate QR codes in LaTeX.
608randbild: Marginal pictures.
609randomwalk: Random walks using TikZ
610reotex: Draw Reo Channels and Circuits.
611rviewport: Relative Viewport for Graphics Inclusion.
612sa-tikz: TikZ library to draw switching architectures.
613schemabloc: Draw block diagrams, using Tikz.
614setdeck: Typeset cards for Set.
615smartdiagram: Generate diagrams from lists.
616spath3: Manipulate "soft paths" in PGF.
617swimgraf: Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances
618texdraw: Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript.
619ticollege: Graphical representation of keys on a standard scientific calculator.
620tipfr: Produces calculator's keys with the help of TikZ
621tikz-3dplot: Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ.
622tikz-bayesnet: Draw Bayesian networks, graphical models and directed factor graphs
623tikz-cd: Create commutative diagrams with TikZ
624tikz-dependency: A library for drawing dependency graphs.
625tikz-dimline: Technical dimension lines using PGF/TikZ.
626tikz-inet: Draw interaction nets with TikZ
627tikz-opm: Typeset OPM diagrams.
628tikz-palattice: Draw particle accelerator lattices with TikZ.
629tikz-qtree: Use existing qtree syntax for trees in TikZ.
630tikz-timing: Easy generation of timing diagrams as tikz pictures.
631tikzinclude: Import TikZ images from colletions.
632tikzmark: Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page.
633tikzorbital: Atomic and molecular orbitals using TiKZ.
634tikzpagenodes: A single TikZ node for the whole page.
635tikzpfeile: Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ.
636tikzposter: Create scientific posters using TikZ.
637tikzscale: Resize pictures while respecting text size.
638tikzsymbols: Some symbols created using TikZ
639timing-diagrams: Draw timing diagrams.
640tqft: Drawing TQFT diagrams with TikZ/PGF.
641tkz-base: Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system.
642tkz-berge: Macros for drawing graphs of graph theory.
643tkz-doc: Documentation macros for the TKZ series of packages.
644tkz-euclide: Tools for drawing Euclidean geometry.
645tkz-fct: Tools for drawing graphs of functions.
646tkz-graph: Draw graph-theory graphs.
647tkz-kiviat: Draw Kiviat graphs.
648tkz-linknodes: Link nodes in mathematical environments.
649tkz-orm: Create Object-Role Model (ORM) diagrams,
650tkz-tab: Tables of signs and variations using PGF/TikZ.
651tsemlines: Support for the ancient emline macro.
652tufte-latex: Document classes inspired by the work of Edward Tufte.
653venndiagram: Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ.
654xpicture: Extensions of LaTeX picture drawing.
655xypic: Flexible diagramming macros.
657%package doc
658Summary: TeX Live: Documentation files of %{name}
659Group: Applications/Publishing
660Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
662%description doc
663This package contains documentation files of %{name}.
666%setup -c -n %{name}-%{version}
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993## move texmf-dist to /usr/share/texmf-dist
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1038scripts/cjk-gs-integrate/ #texlive-collection-langcjk-2015-3vl7.noarch
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1067## Files list
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1075## subpackages
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1116%files -f filelist.full
1119%files -f filelist.doc doc
1123* Wed Jan 13 2016 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2015-4
1124- remove duplicated files from texlive-collection-*
1125- synced tlnet to 20160113 (TeX Live 2015)
1127* Sun Jan 10 2016 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2015-3
1128- TeX Live 2016/dev
1129- synced tlnet to 20160110 (TeX Live 2016/dev)
1131* Sun May 24 2015 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2015-2
1132- TeX Live 2015/pretest
1133- synced tlnet to 20150522 (TeX Live 2015/pretest)
1135* Sun Apr 26 2015 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2015-1
1136- TeX Live 2015/pretest
1137- synced tlnet to 20150426 (TeX Live 2015/pretest)
1139* Wed Apr 01 2015 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2014-4
1140- synced tlnet to 20150401
1142* Tue Oct 28 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2014-3
1143- synced tlnet to 20141028
1145* Sun Jul 06 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2014-2
1146- synced tlnet to 20140706
1148* Sun May 25 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2014-1
1149- upgraded to TeX Live 2014
1151* Sun Apr 06 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2013-6
1152- synced tlnet to 20140406
1154* Wed Dec 18 2013 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2013-5
1155- synced tlnet to 20131218
1157* Fri Nov 01 2013 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2013-4
1158- synced tlnet to 20131101
1160* Wed Oct 02 2013 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2013-3
1161- synced tlnet to 20131002
1163* Thu Sep 19 2013 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2013-2
1164- synced tlnet to 20130919
1166* Fri Aug 23 2013 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2013-1
1167- upgraded to TeX Live 2013
1168  - used tlnet archives
1169  - synced tlnet to 20130823
1170- added macros.texlive
1172* Fri Aug 10 2012 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2012-1
1173- updated to TeX Live 2012
1175* Sat Dec 03 2011 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2011-2
1176- updated and
1177  - set external dependencies (texlive-collection-binextra,
1178    texlive-collection-fontutils)
1180* Sun Oct 30 2011 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2011-1
1181- updated to TeX Live 2011
1182- merged texlive-vtlpkg-2009-osx.patch from OSXWS
1183- added %doc README (%files)
1185* Wed Mar 23 2011 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2009-4
1186- applied texlive-vtlpkg-2009-vine.patch
1187  - remove arch dependent binaries
1188- updated
1189  - improved tlpdb4a()
1190  - make symlinks of core script utils (texlive-collection-binextra,
1191    texlive-collection-context, texlive-collection-fontutils,
1192    texlive-collection-langgreek, texlive-collection-langindic,
1193    texlive-collection-latex, texlive-collection-latexextra,
1194    texlive-collection-latexrecommended, texlive-collection-pictures,
1195    texlive-collection-pstricks, texlive-collection-science)
1197* Wed Jan 12 2011 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2009-3
1198- updated
1199  - improved %post
1201* Sun Sep 26 2010 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2009-2
1202- updated
1203  - removed arch dependent binaries (texlive-collection-latexextra)
1204  - improved updmap process in %post and %postun
1205  - fixed perl path
1207* Fri Jul 30 2010 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2009-1
1208- initial build
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