source: projects/specs/trunk/t/texlive-collection-mathextra/texlive-collection-mathextra-vl.spec @ 9950

Revision 9950, 22.5 KB checked in by munepi, 9 years ago (diff)

synced tlnet to 20160110 (TeX Live 2016/dev)

[1533]1## -*- coding: utf-8-unix -*-
[9950]2## NOTE: This spec file is generated by tlpdb2rpmspec 2015-3:
[1974]3## tlpdb2rpmspec collection-mathextra
[5207]5%global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
6%global __find_provides %{nil}
7%global __find_requires %{nil}
[7770]9Summary: TeX Live: Mathematics packages
10Summary(ja): TeX Live: Mathematics packages
[1533]11Name: texlive-collection-mathextra
[9529]12Version: 2015
[9950]13Release: 3%{?_dist_release}
14License: LPPL, LPPL 1.3, GPL+, Knuth, LPPL 1.2, Freely redistributable without restriction, GPLv3+, LGPLv2+, Public Domain, BSD
[1533]15Group: Applications/Publishing
[7770]18Source0: 12many.doc.tar.xz
19Source1: 12many.source.tar.xz
20Source2: 12many.tar.xz
21Source3: amstex.doc.tar.xz
22Source4: amstex.tar.xz
23Source5: backnaur.doc.tar.xz
24Source6: backnaur.source.tar.xz
25Source7: backnaur.tar.xz
[8476]26Source8: begriff.doc.tar.xz
27Source9: begriff.tar.xz
28Source10: binomexp.doc.tar.xz
29Source11: binomexp.source.tar.xz
30Source12: binomexp.tar.xz
31Source13: boldtensors.doc.tar.xz
32Source14: boldtensors.tar.xz
33Source15: bosisio.doc.tar.xz
34Source16: bosisio.source.tar.xz
35Source17: bosisio.tar.xz
36Source18: bropd.doc.tar.xz
37Source19: bropd.source.tar.xz
38Source20: bropd.tar.xz
[9529]39Source21: calculation.doc.tar.xz
40Source22: calculation.source.tar.xz
41Source23: calculation.tar.xz
42Source24: ccfonts.doc.tar.xz
43Source25: ccfonts.source.tar.xz
44Source26: ccfonts.tar.xz
45Source27: commath.doc.tar.xz
46Source28: commath.tar.xz
47Source29: concmath.doc.tar.xz
48Source30: concmath.source.tar.xz
49Source31: concmath.tar.xz
50Source32: concrete.doc.tar.xz
51Source33: concrete.tar.xz
52Source34: conteq.doc.tar.xz
53Source35: conteq.source.tar.xz
54Source36: conteq.tar.xz
[9950]55Source37: delim.doc.tar.xz
56Source38: delim.source.tar.xz
57Source39: delim.tar.xz
58Source40: delimseasy.doc.tar.xz
59Source41: delimseasy.tar.xz
60Source42: drawmatrix.doc.tar.xz
61Source43: drawmatrix.source.tar.xz
62Source44: drawmatrix.tar.xz
63Source45: ebproof.doc.tar.xz
64Source46: ebproof.tar.xz
65Source47: eqnarray.doc.tar.xz
66Source48: eqnarray.source.tar.xz
67Source49: eqnarray.tar.xz
68Source50: extarrows.doc.tar.xz
69Source51: extarrows.tar.xz
70Source52: extpfeil.doc.tar.xz
71Source53: extpfeil.source.tar.xz
72Source54: extpfeil.tar.xz
73Source55: faktor.doc.tar.xz
74Source56: faktor.source.tar.xz
75Source57: faktor.tar.xz
76Source58: grundgesetze.doc.tar.xz
77Source59: grundgesetze.source.tar.xz
78Source60: grundgesetze.tar.xz
79Source61: interval.doc.tar.xz
80Source62: interval.tar.xz
81Source63: ionumbers.doc.tar.xz
82Source64: ionumbers.source.tar.xz
83Source65: ionumbers.tar.xz
84Source66: isomath.doc.tar.xz
85Source67: isomath.tar.xz
86Source68: logicproof.doc.tar.xz
87Source69: logicproof.source.tar.xz
88Source70: logicproof.tar.xz
89Source71: lpform.doc.tar.xz
90Source72: lpform.tar.xz
91Source73: lplfitch.doc.tar.xz
92Source74: lplfitch.source.tar.xz
93Source75: lplfitch.tar.xz
94Source76: mathcomp.doc.tar.xz
95Source77: mathcomp.source.tar.xz
96Source78: mathcomp.tar.xz
97Source79: mattens.doc.tar.xz
98Source80: mattens.source.tar.xz
99Source81: mattens.tar.xz
100Source82: mhequ.doc.tar.xz
101Source83: mhequ.tar.xz
102Source84: multiobjective.doc.tar.xz
103Source85: multiobjective.source.tar.xz
104Source86: multiobjective.tar.xz
105Source87: natded.doc.tar.xz
106Source88: natded.tar.xz
107Source89: nath.doc.tar.xz
108Source90: nath.tar.xz
109Source91: ot-tableau.doc.tar.xz
110Source92: ot-tableau.tar.xz
111Source93: oubraces.doc.tar.xz
112Source94: oubraces.tar.xz
113Source95: perfectcut.doc.tar.xz
114Source96: perfectcut.tar.xz
115Source97: prftree.doc.tar.xz
116Source98: prftree.tar.xz
117Source99: proba.doc.tar.xz
118Source100: proba.source.tar.xz
119Source101: proba.tar.xz
120Source102: rec-thy.doc.tar.xz
121Source103: rec-thy.tar.xz
122Source104: ribbonproofs.doc.tar.xz
123Source105: ribbonproofs.tar.xz
124Source106: rmathbr.doc.tar.xz
125Source107: rmathbr.source.tar.xz
126Source108: rmathbr.tar.xz
127Source109: sesamanuel.doc.tar.xz
128Source110: sesamanuel.source.tar.xz
129Source111: sesamanuel.tar.xz
130Source112: shuffle.doc.tar.xz
131Source113: shuffle.source.tar.xz
132Source114: shuffle.tar.xz
133Source115: skmath.doc.tar.xz
134Source116: skmath.source.tar.xz
135Source117: skmath.tar.xz
136Source118: statex.doc.tar.xz
137Source119: statex.tar.xz
138Source120: statex2.doc.tar.xz
139Source121: statex2.tar.xz
140Source122: stmaryrd.doc.tar.xz
141Source123: stmaryrd.source.tar.xz
142Source124: stmaryrd.tar.xz
143Source125: subsupscripts.doc.tar.xz
144Source126: subsupscripts.tar.xz
145Source127: susy.doc.tar.xz
146Source128: susy.tar.xz
147Source129: syllogism.doc.tar.xz
148Source130: syllogism.tar.xz
149Source131: sympytexpackage.doc.tar.xz
150Source132: sympytexpackage.source.tar.xz
151Source133: sympytexpackage.tar.xz
152Source134: synproof.doc.tar.xz
153Source135: synproof.tar.xz
154Source136: tablor.doc.tar.xz
155Source137: tablor.tar.xz
156Source138: tensor.doc.tar.xz
157Source139: tensor.source.tar.xz
158Source140: tensor.tar.xz
159Source141: tex-ewd.doc.tar.xz
160Source142: tex-ewd.tar.xz
161Source143: thmbox.doc.tar.xz
162Source144: thmbox.source.tar.xz
163Source145: thmbox.tar.xz
164Source146: turnstile.doc.tar.xz
165Source147: turnstile.source.tar.xz
166Source148: turnstile.tar.xz
167Source149: unicode-math.doc.tar.xz
168Source150: unicode-math.source.tar.xz
169Source151: unicode-math.tar.xz
170Source152: venn.doc.tar.xz
171Source153: venn.tar.xz
172Source154: yhmath.doc.tar.xz
173Source155: yhmath.source.tar.xz
174Source156: yhmath.tar.xz
175Source157: ytableau.doc.tar.xz
176Source158: ytableau.source.tar.xz
177Source159: ytableau.tar.xz
[1533]179Requires: texlive = %{version}
180Requires: texlive-collection-fontsrecommended = %{version}
181Requires: texlive-collection-latex = %{version}
183Requires(post):         texlive = %{version}
184Requires(postun):       texlive = %{version}
186BuildArch:      noarch
187Buildroot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
189Vendor:         Project Vine
190Distribution:   Vine Linux
191Packager:       munepi
194The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system for a
195variety of Unix, Macintosh, Windows and other platforms. It
196encompasses programs for editing, typesetting, previewing and printing
197of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection
198of TeX macros and font libraries.
200The distribution includes extensive general documentation about TeX,
201as well as the documentation for the included software packages.
[7770]203This package is a collection of Mathematics packages:
[1533]206This package contains the following CTAN packages:
20712many: Generalising mathematical index sets.
[9950]208amstex: American Mathematical Society plain TeX macros
[7770]209backnaur: Typeset Backus Naur Form definitions.
[8476]210begriff: Typeset Begriffschrift.
[5207]211binomexp: Calculate Pascal's triangle.
[1533]212boldtensors: Bold latin and greek characters through simple prefix characters.
213bosisio: A collection of packages by Francesco Bosisio.
[7770]214bropd: Simplified brackets and differentials in LaTeX.
[9529]215calculation: Typesetting reasoned calculations, also called calculational proofs.
[1533]216ccfonts: Support for Concrete text and math fonts in LaTeX.
217commath: Mathematics typesetting support.
218concmath: Concrete Math fonts.
219concrete: Concrete Roman fonts.
[7770]220conteq: Typeset multiline continued equalities.
[9950]221delim: Simplify typesetting mathematical delimiters.
222delimseasy: Delimiter commands that are easy to use and resize
223drawmatrix: Draw visual representations of matrices in LaTeX
[9529]224ebproof: Formal proofs in the style of sequent calculus.
[5207]225eqnarray: More generalised equation arrays with numbering.
[1533]226extarrows: Extra Arrows beyond those provided in AMSmath
227extpfeil: Extensible arrows in mathematics.
228faktor: Typeset quotient structures with LaTeX.
[8476]229grundgesetze: Typeset Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
[7770]230interval: Format mathematical intervals, ensuring proper spacing.
[1533]231ionumbers: Restyle numbers in maths mode.
[7770]232isomath: Mathematics style for science and technology.
[8476]233logicproof: Box proofs for propositional and predicate logic.
[9034]234lpform: Typesetting linear programming formulations and sets of equations
[7770]235lplfitch: Fitch-style natural deduction proofs.
[1533]236mathcomp: Text symbols in maths mode.
237mattens: Matrices/tensor typesetting.
[9950]238mhequ: Multicolumn equations, tags, labels, sub-numbering
[8476]239multiobjective: Symbols for multiobjective optimisation etc.
240natded: Typeset natural deduction proofs.
[1533]241nath: Natural mathematics notation.
[5207]242ot-tableau: Optimality Theory tableaux in LaTeX.
243oubraces: Braces over and under a formula.
[9529]244perfectcut: Brackets whose size adjusts to the nesting.
[9950]245prftree: Macros for building proof trees
[1533]246proba: Shortcuts commands to symbols used in probability texts.
[5207]247rec-thy: Commands to typeset recursion theory papers.
[7770]248ribbonproofs: Drawing ribbon proofs.
[9950]249rmathbr: Repeating of math operator at the broken line and the new line in inline equations
[9529]250sesamanuel: Class and package for sesamath books or paper
[1533]251shuffle: A symbol for the shuffle product.
[7770]252skmath: Extensions to the maths command repertoir.
[5207]253statex: Statistics style.
[1533]254statex2: Statistics style.
255stmaryrd: St Mary Road symbols for theoretical computer science.
[5207]256subsupscripts: A range of sub- and superscript commands.
[1533]257susy: Macros for SuperSymmetry-related work.
258syllogism: Typeset syllogisms in LaTeX.
[1533]260synproof: Easy drawing of syntactic proofs.
261tablor: Create tables of signs and of variations.
262tensor: Typeset tensors.
263tex-ewd: Macros to typeset calculational proofs and programs in Dijkstra's style.
264thmbox: Decorate theorem statements.
265turnstile: Typeset the (logic) turnstile notation.
[9950]266unicode-math: Unicode mathematics support for XeTeX and LuaTeX
[1533]267venn: Creating Venn diagrams with MetaPost.
268yhmath: Extended maths fonts for LaTeX.
[5207]269ytableau: Many-featured Young tableaux and Young diagrams.
271%description -l ja
272TeX Live ソフトウェアディストリビューションは、
273さまざまな Unix, Macintosh, Windows、および
274他のプラットホームに対して完全な TeX システムを提供します。
275多くの異なった言語を含む TeX ドキュメントの
277そして、TeX マクロやフォントライブラリの大きなコレクションを
282TeX に関するたくさんの一般的なドキュメントを含んでいます。
[7770]285Mathematics packages:
[1533]288このパッケージは以下の CTAN パッケージを含んでいます:
28912many: Generalising mathematical index sets.
[9950]290amstex: American Mathematical Society plain TeX macros
[7770]291backnaur: Typeset Backus Naur Form definitions.
[8476]292begriff: Typeset Begriffschrift.
[5207]293binomexp: Calculate Pascal's triangle.
[1533]294boldtensors: Bold latin and greek characters through simple prefix characters.
295bosisio: A collection of packages by Francesco Bosisio.
[7770]296bropd: Simplified brackets and differentials in LaTeX.
[9529]297calculation: Typesetting reasoned calculations, also called calculational proofs.
[1533]298ccfonts: Support for Concrete text and math fonts in LaTeX.
299commath: Mathematics typesetting support.
300concmath: Concrete Math fonts.
301concrete: Concrete Roman fonts.
[7770]302conteq: Typeset multiline continued equalities.
[9950]303delim: Simplify typesetting mathematical delimiters.
304delimseasy: Delimiter commands that are easy to use and resize
305drawmatrix: Draw visual representations of matrices in LaTeX
[9529]306ebproof: Formal proofs in the style of sequent calculus.
[5207]307eqnarray: More generalised equation arrays with numbering.
[1533]308extarrows: Extra Arrows beyond those provided in AMSmath
309extpfeil: Extensible arrows in mathematics.
310faktor: Typeset quotient structures with LaTeX.
[8476]311grundgesetze: Typeset Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
[7770]312interval: Format mathematical intervals, ensuring proper spacing.
[1533]313ionumbers: Restyle numbers in maths mode.
[7770]314isomath: Mathematics style for science and technology.
[8476]315logicproof: Box proofs for propositional and predicate logic.
[9034]316lpform: Typesetting linear programming formulations and sets of equations
[7770]317lplfitch: Fitch-style natural deduction proofs.
[1533]318mathcomp: Text symbols in maths mode.
319mattens: Matrices/tensor typesetting.
[9950]320mhequ: Multicolumn equations, tags, labels, sub-numbering
[8476]321multiobjective: Symbols for multiobjective optimisation etc.
322natded: Typeset natural deduction proofs.
[1533]323nath: Natural mathematics notation.
[5207]324ot-tableau: Optimality Theory tableaux in LaTeX.
325oubraces: Braces over and under a formula.
[9529]326perfectcut: Brackets whose size adjusts to the nesting.
[9950]327prftree: Macros for building proof trees
[1533]328proba: Shortcuts commands to symbols used in probability texts.
[5207]329rec-thy: Commands to typeset recursion theory papers.
[7770]330ribbonproofs: Drawing ribbon proofs.
[9950]331rmathbr: Repeating of math operator at the broken line and the new line in inline equations
[9529]332sesamanuel: Class and package for sesamath books or paper
[1533]333shuffle: A symbol for the shuffle product.
[7770]334skmath: Extensions to the maths command repertoir.
[5207]335statex: Statistics style.
[1533]336statex2: Statistics style.
337stmaryrd: St Mary Road symbols for theoretical computer science.
[5207]338subsupscripts: A range of sub- and superscript commands.
[1533]339susy: Macros for SuperSymmetry-related work.
340syllogism: Typeset syllogisms in LaTeX.
[1533]342synproof: Easy drawing of syntactic proofs.
343tablor: Create tables of signs and of variations.
344tensor: Typeset tensors.
345tex-ewd: Macros to typeset calculational proofs and programs in Dijkstra's style.
346thmbox: Decorate theorem statements.
347turnstile: Typeset the (logic) turnstile notation.
[9950]348unicode-math: Unicode mathematics support for XeTeX and LuaTeX
[1533]349venn: Creating Venn diagrams with MetaPost.
350yhmath: Extended maths fonts for LaTeX.
[5207]351ytableau: Many-featured Young tableaux and Young diagrams.
353%package doc
354Summary: TeX Live: Documentation files of %{name}
355Group: Applications/Publishing
356Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
358%description doc
359This package contains documentation files of %{name}.
[7770]362%setup -c -n %{name}-%{version}
363%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE1}
364%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE2}
365%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE3}
366%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE4}
367%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE5}
368%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE6}
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370%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE8}
371%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE9}
372%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE10}
373%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE11}
374%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE12}
375%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE13}
376%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE14}
377%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE15}
378%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE16}
379%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE17}
380%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE18}
381%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE19}
382%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE20}
383%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE21}
384%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE22}
385%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE23}
386%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE24}
387%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE25}
388%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE26}
389%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE27}
390%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE28}
391%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE29}
392%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE30}
393%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE31}
394%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE32}
395%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE33}
396%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE34}
397%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE35}
398%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE36}
399%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE37}
400%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE38}
401%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE39}
402%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE40}
403%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE41}
404%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE42}
405%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE43}
406%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE44}
407%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE45}
408%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE46}
409%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE47}
410%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE48}
411%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE49}
412%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE50}
413%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE51}
414%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE52}
415%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE53}
416%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE54}
417%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE55}
418%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE56}
419%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE57}
420%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE58}
421%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE59}
422%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE60}
423%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE61}
424%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE62}
425%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE63}
426%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE64}
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429%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE67}
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431%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE69}
432%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE70}
433%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE71}
434%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE72}
435%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE73}
436%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE74}
437%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE75}
438%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE76}
439%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE77}
440%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE78}
441%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE79}
442%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE80}
443%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE81}
444%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE82}
445%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE83}
446%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE84}
447%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE85}
448%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE86}
449%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE87}
450%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE88}
451%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE89}
452%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE90}
453%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE91}
454%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE92}
455%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE93}
456%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE94}
457%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE95}
458%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE96}
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461%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE99}
462%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE100}
463%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE101}
464%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE102}
465%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE103}
466%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE104}
467%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE105}
468%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE106}
469%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE107}
470%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE108}
471%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE109}
472%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE110}
473%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE111}
474%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE112}
475%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE113}
476%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE114}
477%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE115}
478%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE116}
479%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE117}
480%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE118}
481%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE119}
482%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE120}
483%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE121}
[8476]484%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE122}
485%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE123}
486%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE124}
487%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE125}
488%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE126}
489%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE127}
490%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE128}
491%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE129}
492%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE130}
493%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE131}
494%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE132}
495%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE133}
496%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE134}
[9034]497%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE135}
498%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE136}
[9529]499%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE137}
500%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE138}
501%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE139}
502%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE140}
503%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE141}
504%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE142}
505%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE143}
506%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE144}
507%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE145}
508%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE146}
509%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE147}
510%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE148}
[9950]511%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE149}
512%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE150}
513%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE151}
514%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE152}
515%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE153}
516%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE154}
517%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE155}
518%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE156}
519%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE157}
520%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE158}
521%__tar -xvf %{SOURCE159}
526[ -n "%{buildroot}" -a "%{buildroot}" != / ] && %__rm -rf %{buildroot}
[7770]528%__mkdir_p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}
[7770]530## move texmf-dist to /usr/share/texmf-dist
531[ -d texmf-dist ] && %__mv texmf-dist %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist}/ ||:
[7770]533## move texmf to /usr/share/texmf
534[ -d texmf ] && %__mv texmf %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfmain}/ ||:
[7770]536## move tlpkg to /usr/share/tlpkg
537[ -d tlpkg ] && %__mv tlpkg %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/ ||:
539## move all non-arch binaries to /usr/bin
540[ -d bin ] && %__mv bin %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/ ||:
542## move others into /usr/share/texmf-dist
543%__mkdir_p %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist}
544%__cp -a * %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist}/ ||:
545%__rm -rf * ||:
548## remove duplicated files between texlive and texlive-collection-*
549## NOTE: We provides texmf.cnf and updmap{-hdr,}.cfg from texlive
550## remove unpacked files
574if [ -d %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist} ]; then
575pushd %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist}
576%__rm -f ${x[@]} ||:
[1533]580## Files list
581find %{buildroot} -type f -or -type l | \
582    %__sed -e "s|%{buildroot}||g" > filelist.full
[7770]584find %{buildroot}%{_tl_texmfdist} -type d | \
[1533]585    %__sed -e "s|^%{buildroot}|%dir |" \
586           -e "s|$|/|"             >> filelist.full
588## subpackages
589grep "/texmf-dist/doc/" filelist.full > filelist.doc
590cat filelist.doc filelist.full | sort | uniq -u > filelist.tmp
591%__mv -f filelist.tmp filelist.full
594%__rm -rf %{buildroot}
[7770]597%_tl_touch_run texhash
598%_tl_touch_run mtxrun
[7770]600[ -f %{_tl_texmfdist}/web2c/updmap.cfg ] || exit 0
[7770]602    %_tl_enable_map MixedMap
603    %_tl_enable_map MixedMap
[7770]605%_tl_touch_run fmtutil
[1533]607exit 0
611if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then
[7770]612    %_tl_touch_run texhash
[7770]614    [ -f %{_tl_texmfdist}/web2c/updmap.cfg ] || exit 0
[7770]616    %_tl_disable_map
617    %_tl_disable_map
621exit 0
[7148]628exit 0
[1533]631%files -f filelist.full
634%files -f filelist.doc doc
[9950]638* Sun Jan 10 2016 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2015-3
639- TeX Live 2016/dev
640- synced tlnet to 20160110 (TeX Live 2016/dev)
[9576]642* Sun May 24 2015 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2015-2
643- TeX Live 2015/pretest
644- synced tlnet to 20150522 (TeX Live 2015/pretest)
[9576]646* Sun Apr 26 2015 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2015-1
647- TeX Live 2015/pretest
648- synced tlnet to 20150426 (TeX Live 2015/pretest)
650* Wed Apr 01 2015 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2014-4
651- synced tlnet to 20150401
653* Tue Oct 28 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2014-3
654- synced tlnet to 20141028
656* Sun Jul 06 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2014-2
657- synced tlnet to 20140706
659* Sun May 25 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2014-1
660- upgraded to TeX Live 2014
662* Sun Apr 06 2014 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2013-6
663- synced tlnet to 20140406
665* Wed Dec 18 2013 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2013-5
666- synced tlnet to 20131218
668* Fri Nov 01 2013 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2013-4
669- synced tlnet to 20131101
671* Wed Oct 02 2013 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2013-3
672- synced tlnet to 20131002
674* Thu Sep 19 2013 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2013-2
675- synced tlnet to 20130919
677* Fri Aug 23 2013 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2013-1
678- upgraded to TeX Live 2013
679  - used tlnet archives
680  - synced tlnet to 20130823
681- added macros.texlive
683* Fri Aug 10 2012 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2012-1
684- updated to TeX Live 2012
686* Sat Dec 03 2011 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2011-2
687- updated and
688  - set external dependencies (texlive-collection-binextra,
689    texlive-collection-fontutils)
691* Sun Oct 30 2011 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2011-1
692- updated to TeX Live 2011
693- merged texlive-vtlpkg-2009-osx.patch from OSXWS
694- added %doc README (%files)
696* Wed Mar 23 2011 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2009-4
697- applied texlive-vtlpkg-2009-vine.patch
698  - remove arch dependent binaries
699- updated
700  - improved tlpdb4a()
701  - make symlinks of core script utils (texlive-collection-binextra,
702    texlive-collection-context, texlive-collection-fontutils,
703    texlive-collection-langgreek, texlive-collection-langindic,
704    texlive-collection-latex, texlive-collection-latexextra,
705    texlive-collection-latexrecommended, texlive-collection-pictures,
706    texlive-collection-pstricks, texlive-collection-science)
708* Wed Jan 12 2011 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2009-3
709- updated
710  - improved %post
712* Sun Sep 26 2010 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2009-2
713- updated
714  - removed arch dependent binaries (texlive-collection-latexextra)
715  - improved updmap process in %post and %postun
716  - fixed perl path
718* Fri Jul 30 2010 Munehiro Yamamoto <> 2009-1
719- initial build
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.