@echo off rem MAKE.BAT for APEL. rem ******************************************************************** rem * Edit following lines to set PREFIX, EMACS, LISPDIR and VLISPDIR * rem * according to your environment * rem ******************************************************************** rem * for Meadow * rem * If you use Meadow on Windows NT, use meadowNT.exe insted of * rem * meadow95.exe * set MEADOWVER=1.10 set PREFIX=c:\usr\meadow set EMACS=%PREFIX%\%MEADOWVER%\bin\meadow95.exe set LISPDIR=%PREFIX%\site-lisp set VLISPDIR=%PREFIX%\%MEADOWVER%\site-lisp rem rem ******************************************************************** rem * for Mule for Windows * rem set PREFIX=c:\usr\mule rem set EMACS=%PREFIX%\bin\mule.exe rem set LISPDIR=%PREFIX%\site-lisp rem set VLISPDIR=%LISPDIR% rem rem ******************************************************************** rem * for Demacs * rem * Please add examples for Demacs * rem rem ******************************************************************** set arg1=%1 if "%arg1%"=="install" goto install if "%arg1%"=="what-where" goto listing if "%arg1%"=="clean" goto clean :install %EMACS% -q -batch -no-site-file -l APEL-MK -f compile-apel NONE %LISPDIR% %VLISPDIR% %EMACS% -q -batch -no-site-file -l APEL-MK -f install-apel NONE %LISPDIR% %VLISPDIR% goto end :listing %EMACS% -batch -q -no-site-file -l APEL-MK -f what-where-apel goto end :clean del *.elc del *~ del .#~ :end